Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

It’s an A+ C- movie lol

Listening to the HDTGM with guest Roxanne Gay for their live review of Ambulance and you gotta give it to Bay, he’s made some stinkers, but when his movies slap, they hit like a Marine about to go to prison for a made up law.

if you’re into “guys in meetings” type movies, this is probably top 3?

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I agree, but I laughed at probably a dozen points that weren’t supposed to be funny in DR, don’t remember that happening in the other ones.

And for the record I didn’t hate it and will probably see part 2 just to see the absurd way they finish the story.

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Must be said it features best supporting actress Tilda Swinton making me think I like movies about lawyers


think it was Riverman who joked once that Michael Clayton was a documentary. he probably wasn’t joking tho


Lol scary true. Same for Syriana. Presents how ruthless big oil is like Clayton does for big law.


don’t think so but it’s close and I really enjoy both of them

Going to see the new MI today, my wife has never seen anything from the series (wtf) so we watched Fallout last night to at least get her a little familiar with the vibe, she liked it.

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I guess now you find out if she’s an MI fan or a Henry Cavill fan :grin:

Eff it let’s roll the greatest song ever paired with a trailer

So watching that trailer I think I spotted what made us all understand what Tom Cruise risks in order to do these stunts himself.

Remember when he broke his foot???

I don’t like watching movies where I’m supposed to care about shit human beings

Just completed Ford vs. Ferrari for the first time. Definitely enjoyed it more than I was necessarily expecting to; super predictable at all points and lacking even a scintilla of originality, but the execution was pristine. Really enjoyable overall.

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Bale was amazing

I remember betting on con air on the old HSX site, Hollywood stock exchange where you bought and sold movie stocks based on how much you thought they would gross in its first four weeks.

I bought con air about a year before it came out and made quite a bit of fake money off it.

I also like the move for what it is.

Edit: is still there, wonder if it works the same way? I know they wanted to trade real money but don’t know what happened in the past twenty years.



Now I want to see it even more. GJ fox.

There’s a really good article in the recent New Yorker about this movie and Mattel’s plans generally.

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MI7 was the first movie I’ve seen in a theater in a long time. The trailers were BAD. The Gran Turismo movie looks absolutely terrible, which isn’t a shocker. The Bob Marley movie also looks super cringey.

I’m torn because on the one hand, dozens of toy movies seems even more depressing than the current superhero hegemony, but on the other hand I’m really curious to see what a Uno movie could even be ?

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The dialogue was like almost a parody.

Decent movie but not close to great.