Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Ellen Ripley was a super toxic coworker when you really think about it.

I liked the new MI, but I feel like my grade is incomplete until I see part 2. I really enjoyed the action and the plot held together just enough to not totally lose me. But, it also felt long in some spots. There is a strong chance that between parts 1 and 2 they actually had enough story for maybe 1.5 movies, so both films might end up being a little bloated just because they decided to stretch things out across 2 movies. Based on where we ended part 1, I especially think part 2 might be a little chunky. If so, I could see it retroactively lowering my feelings about part 1.

Iā€™m considering watching Michael Clayton for the first time tonight, since it seems to be in every movie nerdā€™s top 5 movies. I canā€™t even remember what itā€™s about (politics, mob, both?) or who it stars (Clooney?)

W/o spoiling anything about the movie for me, how excited should I be?


I also remember seeing it but nothing else fwiw.

I remember mildly liking it. To the best of my recollection, ā€œexcitedā€ doesnā€™t come into it.

But Iā€™ve been intrigued by the same feedback as youā€™ve heard and have considered rewatching it, especially in light of Tony Gilroy killing it with Andor.

When you take away the horror elements, Alien is actually a pretty interesting drama about office politics and workplace bullshit. The writers knew what they were doing.



Itā€™s about some lawbros IIRC and Clooney is one. When I saw it I was entertained, but like Devil I remember nothing about it other than the fact that I saw it and that I thought it was not bad.


I also remember liking it and I too remember nothing about it. :thinking:

Sure sounds like the best movie ever according to all these movie nerds.

Michael Clayton went first in the Big Picture 2007 movie draft ahead of NCFOM and TWBB.

I watched Con Air instead because I have it recorded off TNT. This movie has some fun moments but man it just gets so ridiculous. Itā€™s like the director said ā€œCan I do a Michael Bay movie, but 200% more stuff blowing up?ā€

Now Iā€™m watching The Town because it came on after Con Air.

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(Dale Cooper voice) what year is this?


With the significant caveat that action is far and away the worst mainstream movie genre, Con Air is at least an 85th percentile action movie.


Until the last 20 minutes when I just tuned out all the plane crashing on the strip, bad guy killing etc. stuff. I did already see it once so I guess I knew how it went. The wife and daughter already being in Vegas seemed kind of ridiculous.

The movie tries to sell us a realistic story for how this could all go down, and then just gets over the top cartoony silly at the end.

I liked the bunny gag. But how did John Malkovich know the bunny was so important to Cage?

Iā€™m enjoying The Town so far. Crazy all star cast of up and comers at the time. Love seeing Don Draper and Bosch.

Jeremy Renner is awesome in this.

I had a neighbor who looked exactly like The Florist - down the giant gin blossom nose and all.

John Hammā€™s character is such a scumbag.

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Michael Clayton is sort of like the experience of Gone Girl if about something other than a relationship. Itā€™s a thriller with wait wat twists and an ending that rewards you for paying attention to the details but also letā€™s you just enjoy the mood of Clayton solving the mystery.

I like to watch Michael Clayton as a double feature with the other Clooney movie Syriana. Similar mystery/thriller experience where his life depends on him solving a mystery that upends everything he thought he could trust.

The Middle Eastern oil industry is the backdrop of this tense drama, which weaves together numerous story lines. Bennett Holiday (Jeffrey Wright) is an American lawyer in charge of facilitating a dubious merger of oil companies, while Bryan Woodman (Matt Damon), a Switzerland-based energy analyst, experiences both personal tragedy and opportunity during a visit with Arabian royalty. Meanwhile, veteran CIA agent Bob Barnes (George Clooney) uncovers an assassination plot with unsettling origins.


Is Con Air a better Michael Bay movie than The Rock?

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I would rate those movies about the same, they both fall into the ā€œsuprisingly watchable schlockā€ category. Your basic C- summer popcorn movie.

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With all the reviews I guess this qualifies as a hot take but I thought MI 7 was super super silly. Fun at times, but the plot was ridiculous. Imo.

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I believe you Iā€™m just not sure Iā€™d say anything different about the other MI plots. The most realistic MI movie was Bourne Legacy and it bombed.

Not yet seen DR prob wonā€™t see it tho until itā€™s streaming.