Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

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Because I am a hyooge Joanna Robinson fangirl

but everyone I mentioned her to back in the old forum days didn’t seem to like her as much as I do :frowning:

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Yeah I like her. Probably my favorite is when she shows up on Ringer’s Prestige TV pod with Bill and others, but she’s always good with Mallory Rubin on House of R also.

Trial by Content is not must-listen as a general rule, but she’s the best part of the regular panel.

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Watched the original Mission Impossible. Enjoyed it well enough. Pluto…is not great. Seemed clear that they inserted TV-edit cuts along the way, as some transitions seemed to obviously not be from the original release. Also I paused a couple of times along the way, and when I came back it seemed to have fast-forwarded me in the story? And then I just had to press the rewind button a handful of times, at which point I would get served up a commercial break. On the other side of that break, it would come back still further past where I had been. I was dialing up the Wiki plot synopsis just to make sure I wasn’t missing key points when this happened. So I probably don’t want to watch too many movies through that service, but I did get through this one.

I won’t be rewatching Part II, but it’s possible that I’ll hop to Part III at some point and continue taking in the franchise.

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“Question for Broderick. Bud, you’ve played opposite just about every great motion picture actress…”

"Yes, I have. "

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Id suggest getting a free trial of paramount plus for the others.

Already did that to watch The Offer (which I enjoyed quite a bit). I’m sure I’ll pay for Paramount in the future, but it feels silly to do right now when I’ve got a lengthy to-watch list about 65 movies long across services I’m already paying for.

The Watch podcast is good, but you have to start at 6 minutes in to get past the requisite nonsense. Andy is ridiculous sometimes


Who thought a Wonka prequel would be watchable? He’s a terrible misanthropic weirdo for 95% of the movie. His character works as a demented tour guide, but is this really a person you want to spend time with? You want to learn the backstory behind his puritanical judgement of small children and how he enslaved a race of terrifying scolding jerks?


My first time listening to them. I may have added the podcast based on your prior rec? I didn’t mind the ramble but I can see how I might begin to lol

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It’s a good podcast! and the silly stuff is a good way to get to know the cast, but sometimes you just want to get to the actual stuff (like Andy’s opinion on The Idol the past few episodes)

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Yes? A dark prequel would work well I think. This seems to be anything but.

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I love Andy and the banter with him. I’ll dial up episodes that don’t otherwise interest me just to listen to that part.

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That makes sense.

Oddly I’m in the opposite position with The Filmcast. I love hearing those guys shoot the shit, but their movie reviews are not doing much for me any more.

Right anything but a tired retread of the same jokes. My heart sank watching the trailer as soon as Wonka says “no wait, strike that, reverse it” without any apparent subversion.

What if this had instead been like Big Fish? Charlie Bucket looking back years and years later at Wonka’s funeral and everyone tells the stories of how they met Wonka.

The “present” scenes would be bonkers gritty like Saving Private Ryan. Most people are no longer even sure how much of what happened with Wonka was real or illusions worthy of the Wizard of Oz.

Maybe the factory is about to be shut down so there’s actually a real reason for everyone to come together and try to figure out some mystery around Wonka by digging through everything everyone DOESN’T know about him, as well as finding new secrets in what we thought we knew.

And then at the end Wonka could reveal he’s still alive and he did this for the same reason he tricked everyone in the first movie: to find out who really loves him.

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The obvious way to do it is make a movie about Charlie as an old man who himself has become an eccentric chocolate factory misanthrope that scolds a new generation of horrible children. He hates the children because they remind him of what he used to be.


I hope it turns out that the chocolate factory was designed by the same German engineer from Better Call Saul.


Watching Pretty Woman. I gotta say I’m not really buying Julia Roberts and Laura San Giacomo as street-walking hookers.

$100 for Julia Roberts. But apparently that could be negotiated down.

Lol $300 for the entire night.

I’m pretty sure toothless crack whores got $300 for the entire night in 1990. Not that I’ve done any actual research on that subject.

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$100 then would be $233 today so yeah still pretty low.