Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Apparently Barbie drives a custom remodeled 57 Corvette with an electric powertrain? Or Chevy is going to release an electric model? The movie may just be an ad for a toy, if you can believe it.

What makes this even more interesting is Chevy’s confirmation of its first electrified production Corvette, which will be released in 2023 as well.

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The bullies in house party drive around in a Jeep with no top. Does that count?

Also the “bullies” in the outsiders had to drive around in a convertible. (Maybe someone already posted this, and only if you think the Socs are the bullies).

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that list didn’t include Entourage, so it’s clearly invalid

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I walked out of Once Bitten when it was in theaters. Throw that one on the trash pile.

Worst movie I ever sat through had to be Nothing But Trouble, worst movie I walked out on was the movie of Leave It to Beaver.

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Yes that counts. Bonus if the popular/jock character has to make a choice whether to drive off with the cool kids in the convertible, or stay with our nerdy hero.

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By the way, the original House Party absolutely holds up. I watched it a million times in college and was nervous to revisit it, but it still bangs.

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No u

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Spider Man:


True Lies?:


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Yup 99% RT which is basically impossible for a pure action flick. This is gonna be good



M三gan was better than I expected, looks great, goes into some interesting worklife/parenting/internet boundary issues that I was not expecting, does what it says on the tin, good silly fun horror film with some legit moments.

Demon Seed: This movie starts off as a basic horror film about an evil AI that takes over a smart house and then shit just gets weird. You think you see where the movie is going and it keeps throwing curveballs and getting weirder and weirder until you’re seeing a haunted house impregnate a lady and the child becomes Satan, it’s 31 flavors of WTF. Late 70’s was a special time for science fiction.

Re-recommending Mad God because it is literally infinitely rewatchable, Claymation horror masterpiece, A+.

LMAO almost good enough to /thread

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Mad God was certainly something. Not sure I liked it, but still worth checking out.

At a 99 on RT too out of 160 reviews

It seems like it’s not so much a “bullies/convertibles” thing as an “everyone-in-movies/convertibles” thing.

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There’s a very specific thing with bullies in convertibles, where at least some of them are sitting up on the trunk, and the good cool guy/girl has to decide to stay behind with the nerd instead of gallivanting off with the cool kids. It’s not just anyone driving around in a convertible in a movie. Although in Stand By Me it’s just bullies. But they were sitting up on the trunk.