Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Not that Ford has rights to the character or anything, but supposedly IJ is his favorite to play (far more than Han Solo, who he’d been trying to get killed off since Empire Strikes Back) and it was largely his eagerness to reprise the role that got the last two movies made. My guess is without that factor, they’d have (properly) just let the series die after the first three movies, the last of which ended with Indy and his dad literally riding off into the sunset.

I’ve heard this one is decent but not amazing, but apparently people are staying away in droves. The “real” budget is estimated to be north of $300M after all the reshoots, and it barely cleared $60M domestic in its opening weekend, which could make it historically unsuccessful if it has a normal dropoff from there.

the critics who have seen it are already saying it’s the best western ever made. im way more excited to see this than i am for oppenheimer.

Haven’t seen The Game in a really long time but I always liked that movie a lot and the ending never bothered me. But I need to watch again,

You’re scared of room 237, ain’t ya?

Just did a doordash. Bit of a landmark hotel nearby, and I was to deliver it to room 236

She texted me to confirm I’d delivered it to the door or to the front desk

I texted ‘door #236

‘So close to room 237’

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Some comedians go their entire lives without a setup like that

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She got it and sexted back, ’ ty appreciate it. ’

I said thx for visiting

Was hoping the Rewatchables would get into this on Primal Fear, but about the ending…

The thing where Aaron/Roy just casually throws in during the final scene that he also murdered Linda always leaves me wondering if there was more to that subplot that got left on the cutting-room floor. On first watch I’m pretty sure I missed that like it was some throwaway line since it’s not the primary point of the scene. This wasn’t supposed to be at all obvious during the movie, right? I’m not even really criticizing it because I’m not sure I would want that to be a plot that gets much time, but the execution is just odd to me.

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Whoa there cowboy

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After a high-profile firing, Jenna’s fashion career comeback hits a snag when she falls for a charming, much younger coworker - who happens to be her boss’s son. As sparks fly, Jenna must decide if she’ll risk it all on a secret romance.

Former romance editor (me) gives The Perfect Find a full bag of popcorn. They hit every romance beat and then some.

The bottom of the bag is unpopped because the age gap is a problem (22 with 40), but the romance is at least between two adults.

Otherwise the jokes, the romance, the Matrix references…!! Can’t wait to see the Streamberry remake.

Hello, little cowgirl. I’m a little cowboy, too.

No thanks.


Did it start with the sexting comment, then you were forced to make a judgment? lmao

If I remove that snark, will people like me, oh Lord?

The website I work with is down, so I was sitting around doing nothing, taking care of my son’s friend’s dog and ended up watching The Big Lebowski. You know it’s good. I don’t have to explain.

I agree about rewatching Philadelphia, it is very depressing and a tough rewatch. But it has some all-time great courtroom scenes.

The entire like last 20 + minutes of JFK is a closing-argument of a courtroom scene (Costner again!). Boondock Saints and Legally Blonde are a couple of personal favorites with good courtroom scenes as well.

And Justice For All is an all-time great and you need to make plans to watch it soon! It has an incredible courtroom scene at the end, and is all about the law, but most of it does not take place inside of courtrooms.

No way I’m rewatching JFK–I didn’t like it at all.

Thanks for confirming And Justice For All, though. I’m not sure why it never hit my radar, but I clearly need to give it a whirl.

Also, I started rewatching Draft Day this evening as I folded laundry. Still great. And I somehow didn’t realize that was Chadwick Boseman.

And Justice for All is a big pile of nothing that happens to have contributed one of Al Pacino’s iconic quotes to his catalog.


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Yeah I decided to do the Rewatchables JFK w/o actually watching the movie. Very entertaining so far.

I saw JFK in the theater on shrooms. Very intense experience.