Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I love Devil’s Advocate. Total guilty pleasure popcorn movie. Pacino’s speech is incredible.

I thought Heat was their first episode?

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Holy fuck, she’s a savage! Blow a rightskie right up her yawning MAGAcrevice

It’s a little unclear because I think that The Rewatchables evolved first from talking about sports movies and then kind of arbitrarily talking about their presumably favorite movie, Heat. But I think they said on the Primal Fear podcast that A Few Good Men was the first official “The Rewatchables” episode.

Edit: Because apparently I’m not going to bed tonight, I looked it up on Spotify. Here are the first episodes:

  • Any Given Sunday (“HBO and The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Chris Ryan to induct ‘Any Given Sunday’ into the Sports Movie Hall of Fame.”)
  • White Men Can’t Jump (“HBO and The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Chris Ryan and Rembert Browne to induct ‘White Men Can’t Jump’ into the Sports Movie Hall of Fame.”)
  • Moneyball (“HBO and The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Chris Ryan to induct ‘Moneyball’ into the Sports Movie Hall of Fame.”)
  • Blue Chips (“HBO and The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Mark Titus and Chris Ryan to induct ‘Blue Chips’ into the Sports Movie Hall of Fame.”)
  • Heat (“HBO and The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Chris Ryan to induct ‘Heat’ into the Movie Hall of Fame.”)
  • Jerry Maguire (“HBO and The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Chris Ryan and Juliet Litmen to induct ‘Jerry Maguire’ into the Sports Movie Hall of Fame.”)
  • A Few Good Men (“HBO and The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Chris Ryan and Amanda Dobbins to celebrate and appreciate 1992’s ‘A Few Good Men’ in the inaugural episode of ‘The Rewatchables’ …”)

OMFG - is Costner going to trade 3 1sts for the #1 overall, then decide to draft a middle linebacker instead of the generational QB? Please tell me this isn’t going to happen. (Okay don’t tell me yet until I watch this damn thing)


Ah fair but consider the casting.

I agree with Matt Singer’s suggestion that this really could have been benefited from casting the star of Fleabag as a continuation of Indy without needing to star Harrison Ford. My response was this is Disney’s chance to stop being cowards and use Disney+ to give us the Indiana Jones/Rocketeer crossover we deserve.

Must say this has got me curious to revisit the much acclaimed Young Indiana Jones Chronicles from the 90s. Inspired by the amazing young Indy sequence that opened Last Crusade.

Supposed to be quite good. Very high budget and though canceled was so acclaimed that it then spawned four TV movies.

Each episode was bookended by an old Indiana Jones played by George Hall. Looks as much like actual old Harrison Ford as the old Wesley Crusher in TNG lol.

The show provided back story for the films. His relationship with his father, first introduced in Last Crusade, was depicted in episodes showing his travels with his father as a young boy and brief times as a young adult. His original hunt for the “Eye of the Peacock”, a large diamond seen in Temple of Doom, was a recurring element in several stories. The show also chronicled his activities during World War I and his first solo adventures. Later, in the 2008 film Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Indy describes his adventures with Pancho Villa (chronicled in the first episode) to Mutt Williams (at the time, his sidekick; later on revealed to be his son). He also mentions his mother to Mutt.

Indy was otherwise played by Sean Patrick Flannery (and even younger by Corey Carrier), but Harrison Ford did actually film scenes himself for one episode. Maybe we should consider this the actual fourth and final film?

Had the series been renewed for a third season, Young Indy would have been introduced to younger versions of characters from Raiders of the Lost Ark: Abner Ravenwood (“Jerusalem, June 1909”) and René Belloq (“Honduras, December 1920”).

Clint Eastwood was approached to play the elder brother of Indiana Jones, but he turned it down despite a $10 million offer

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Is there a contradiction in the blonde playmate? In Apocalypse? lol @RiskyFlush

Dont raise the price of mangoes on the sampan

What does that mean

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The scene in the helicopter. she’s outwardly sexually progressive and in the moment pretty free with it with Lance, and talking about something like it scarred her.




Storms rollin through the KC metro

Where you at, Suz?


A 5’7 middle linebacker goes #1 overall.

Going in for The Game now.

Ok so Succession totally ripped off their opening credits from this.

Also: coffee shop Brad Pitt’s name is almost certainly NOT Joe Black. Can’t imagine that would cause any issues going forward…

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Seriously can’t understand how you people think The Game had a good ending. So preposterous . Everything was good until that. It could have been a classic movie.

Michael Douglass has to shoot Sean Penn at the exact right time. He has to decide to jump at that exact spot, like can’t be off by a few feet. No stuntman on earth jumps that many stories then pummels through glass - AND UNLIKE SOME RANDOM RICH GUY, STUNTMEN KNOW HOW TO FALL.

Tubi once again delivers

Idk if the rest of the show is good but the pilot for this features Conan and sumo wrestling

I thought the consensus here was that it was good except for the ending?

No, that was the reasonable view. The consensus seemed to be something else.

High hopes for this one

Anything other than The Game is a great movie AND has a great ending is the wrong take

so as far as I’m concerned

you’re all canceled