Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I’m a bit interested to rewatch Presumed Innocent at some point. I saw it when I was too young to really understand, but Sean Fennessey on The Big Picture was piquing my interest in giving it another look with his praise for it on the podcast. To the extent that I remember it, I remember it positively.

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Just finished off viewing #35 or something of Legends of the Fall. Love it, even if the Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins characters are infuriating. The last Colonel/Tristan/Alfred scene keeps its impact every time.


An Amish action hero:

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Rewatched this a couple years ago holds up pretty well, could probably save a lot of time and skip non Julia scenes though.

I’ve still never seen the movie, but I love the book. One of my former colleagues used to date Turow—apparently he’s a huge asshole. (Possibly not an unbiased opinion I guess.)

Man I fuckin love that movie and as a straight man I’m not afraid to say I wanna sex Brad Pitt when I watch it.

It’s not gay if Brad Pitt.


Is the best podcast about bad movies - How Did this Get Made?

It is great if you have actually seen the movie. But it makes no sense if you haven’t. They make a lot of jokes/references that you won’t get if you’ve not seen it. But Paul Scheer & co are funny so yeah

No, it is The Flop House.

This remains a tremendous scene.


Oh heck yeah

The joke among critics and I guess weirdo teenagers was that the movie made back its budget due to most people buying a ticket just to see the Star Wars trailer, then leaving without watching Meet Joe Black.

But I’ve seen it who knows how many times. Three hours too long? No, three hours too short.

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Oh baby, Primal Fear Rewatchables just dropped.


Always glad to find that someone else appreciates that movie. I’m always agitated that everyone on the Rewatchables - primarily Bill - will only ever mention it to briefly say how bad it was. I’m kind of surprised that Claire Forlani completely failed to launch, but I suppose the bogus narrative around this movie was probably quite harmful to her.

I’m only now bothering to put together that between this and Legends of the Fall, it was a go-to move for Hopkins to play a father who inflicted great pain on his offspring by transparently favoring the other one. I suppose that’s the kind of part you get after you establish yourself as the GOAT of emotional unavailability in The Remains of the Day.

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Oh shit, this is extremely exciting news. I was actually going to coincidentally throw on Primal Fear earlier today, and only bailed out to Legends of the Fall because PF was on some service I don’t have right now. They’ve got the Simmons/Ryan/Fennessey A-team too. This is gonna be good.

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or McConaughey. it’s right there in the name

meant to post earlier, we caught two fantastic docs yesterday, both available on Prime, the Pink Floyd one is 20 years old but somehow I’d missed it all these years

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WTF, they all agree that it was a miss that Marty Vail didn’t consider an insanity defense, and they talk about it like it just went totally unaddressed as a possibility in the movie. Marty explains clearly to Frances McDormand why he isn’t doing that the second it becomes a relevant consideration.

Anyway, good episode. I loved them going through their favorite courtroom drama tropes. Laughed out loud at “I’m pretty sure that John Mahoney saying ‘you were balling him, for Christ’s sake’ is an HR violation.”

The scene where they meet is also fantastic.

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