Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Has anyone seen the movie version of We Need to Talk About Kevin?

Because I just finished the book, and it was wild–completely engrossing. I knew that Tilda Swinton starred in the movie, so she was in my mind as I read. And I can’t imagine anyone else playing that role. So I’m very curious about the movie–I’m tempted to watch it, but it seems like an incredibly challenging thing to translate to film.

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I saw it quite a few years ago so it’s not fresh in my mind but I remember it as being a very good film in its own right. Can’t say I’ve read the book so I don’t know how faithful it was but I recall it as Incredibly bleak and harrowing. Lynne Ramsay’s excellent at that sort of stuff.

edit: I also think I read some reviews before I went that described it as a faithful adaptation, but I can’t quite recall the details.

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Ran into a friends at the theater and one of them had the gall to say that the shark looks “so fake” today. Um, no it doesn’t. The only time it mayyyybe looks a little off is when it sticks its head in the boat. Other than that, though, it looks completely real. Elite practical effects.

I think it’s common knowledge that the mechanical shark was constantly breaking down, leading Spielberg to rely more on the suspense of not seeing the shark vs. having a scary shark in full view.

Quite the blessing in disguise IMO. Hard to imagine the movie gets even better if we see the shark more.

It’s incredible but also incredibly intense. You will not be good for human company that day if you watch it. Powerhouse performances from Swinton and Miller.

Probably on-topic here as much as anywhere because the release of Dial of Destiny is why Harrison Ford is doing the rounds:

Ford on Conan O’Brien’s podcast, just released overnight, is the funniest episode I’ve heard of that show since Kevin Nealon’s appearance on it late last year. The video rendition of it isn’t up on YouTube yet, but I look forward to immediately reliving it that way when it posts. Recommended listening.


Jazz messengers

Movie idea: retro-future information state, but our hero has something in his file that crashes the system every time he needs to use it for anything. Everyone he deals with is well meaning, but they just can’t fix the problem.

He gets escalated to 2nd and 3rd levels where they try weird low-level retro-manual processes that just look bizarre and make no sense (like one woman looking at a small screen, barking out numbers, letters and words to another woman, who’s running some weird thing that looks sort of like a stenographer machine, but with sliders and dials whizzing - with each rapid fire command from the first woman, she’s manipulating stuff on the machine). Every time the tech support people start out confident but end up stumped. No one can fix his problem of crashing the system.

So it just slowly builds and builds to where he can’t get a driver’s license, or get a job, and he gets pushed to the margins of society. Ultimately he finds a group of people who have the same problem, and all live in the sewer or something. Then somehow he finds a way to overcome or blow up the system or whatever.

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My movie idea is “Pirates crash Spring Break”

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You just described Gasparilla.

Then how about rebooting the Leprechaun franchise?

Okay I got a movie for ya that’s like metaphorically the same thing.

A man wakes up with no memory of who he is, and finds that everyone who comes within a certain distance of him suddenly dies.

The writers were in part inspired by the film Oldboy (2003), in which a man and woman have a mysterious connection; they were also inspired by a Superman comic book from the 80s in which Superman couldn’t come to earth without killing people.

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Ok I just listened and that was genuinely hilarious.


Okay you convinced me and I’m rolling at the part around 48:00 where Harrison Ford says hey let’s hear questions from the rest of your crew

And the guy uses his one question to ask…about himself lol lol lol

Even though the whole thing was funny, that’s actually the part that had me giggling uncontrollably. “You get one bullet, and you use it on THAT?”

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More workshopping on this. When our hero meets the sewer people eventually he figures out some commonality in their personal data and his that’s crashing the system.

Turns out our hero all the sewer people had some kind of nicknames alias at some point, like Bill “Bulldog” Brown. When those got entered into the system, every once in a while an old Microsoft curly quote snuck into the nicknames. So when any system tries to access the person’s record, for something like a credit report, it crashes.

Eventually programmers fix the glitch, but for liability reasons, the govt recordkeepers refuse to admit there was ever a problem, which means most of the sewer people are still screwed as their credit and record long ago tanked. Hmmm maybe not. Still working on the ending.

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Kurt Affair will be my new screen/character name for video games.


Right I was chuckling the whole way but then that happened.

It’s great too because Harrison Ford can’t believe it either lmao.

I also laughed hard at

Ford: “Who’s Nick Kroll?”

Conan: “Exactly.”

What’s are good Harrison Ford movies that aren’t action or genre films?

Regarding Henry
Working Girl

Witness too close to action to count imo
