Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

forgive me for the other day, bro

and for aidsing this thread lol stoned to the B-jebus belt

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I will always forgive you.

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we should do a watch party. free on utube!


OMG did the Langoliers end up eating Nakatomi Tower?

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Willard is locked in that enclosure and the kids can be heard in curiosity outside, then they cheer when the door is open. then shortly, Kurtz reads from Time Magazine the daily parade of lunacies errr

It’s impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means.

And you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends, or else they are an enemies to be feared. they are truly enemies :vince2:

and then set it to the side. bipolar balance of power, like Putin says

Coppola may be Goat

Megalopolis hype! lol

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Well Family Matters and Perfect Strangers are 100% in the same universe because Reginald VelJohnson played the same character in both.

My uncle’s brother produced both those shows (and my cousin worked on Family Matters toward the end of its run). I didn’t know him - only met him once, I think - but he was really nice in that he would think of my brother and I despite never having met us until we were in our late teens/early 20’s. Once he sent us Perfect Strangers book bags when I was in middle school.

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Saw Jaws in the theater today. That young director Spielberg might have a great career ahead of him.


Fresh Prince is also arguably in the same universe as Family Matters.

I mean, I’m inclined to see it as non-canon even though it aired, but…


Omfg I forgot about that one lmao

Yes but we must go deeper than well known Wikipedia knowledge.

Does Die Hard take place before, during, or after Family Matters?

You can hear a voice at the end - and I think it’s James Avery’s - say “I didn’t even get to say my line!”

So even though the clip clearly includes Reginald VelJohnson breaking character and ceasing to be Carl Winslow, I kind of think Uncle Phil really was supposed to canonically appear? But then the clip of Reginald’s reaction was just way too endearing to air anything but that instead.

Honestly kind of surprised that someone from an NBC show could show up on an ABC show in character at all, but then again there was a Seinfeld/Murphy Brown crossover too.

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Right, both dudes seemed really genuinely sweet.

Reginald says in that interview above that people are shocked to find out he doesn’t have any kids of his own. He just played a dad for the biggest role of his career.

And then there’s that scene between Will Smith and James Avery that makes me sob every time where Will has once again been abandoned by his father.

I wonder if there are any good breakdowns of the best crossovers from that era :thinking:

That was different, Kramer got a job as an extra on Murphy Brown, he wasn’t a character in the actual show. Murphy Brown exist on the Seinfeld universe, they aren’t both in the same universe.

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Yeah that’s fair, you’re right that it’s different.

But still it is weird to see that sort of network mixing

Q The Winged Serpentis such a gem in the rough. Somehow this dumb kaiju movie starring David Carradine and Richard Roundtree gets completely upstaged by Michael Moriarty and his sensitive, complex portrayal of a sad, down-on-his-luck dipshit everyman. You see this Michael Moriarty character and you hate him because he’s a slimy abusive jerk but also you feel for him because he’s just this sad, broken little man. This is a kaiju movie about an Aztec death cult and a giant winged demon and it has Carradine and Rountree and somehow the movie still stops everything it’s doing to give you these weird lingering moments where Michael Moriarty plays a jazz number. This sad little guy just wants to be happy.

Available on Tubi and other discriminating outlets.

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Lettuce enjoy the glory

No one would be crazy enough to do it a second

Fun seeing how Seinfeld was kind of the OG Multiverse of Madness.

30 Rock

In the prescient 30 Rock episode “SeinfeldVision,” NBC realizes they can use the hundreds of hours of Seinfeld footage they own to digitally insert 1990s Jerry into their current shows. This includes Law & Order, Deal or No Deal and the also-prescient MILF Island. Yes, 30 Rock was doing deepfake jokes in 2007. “Twitch star caught cranking it to e-girl deepfakes goes viral on Twitter” does sound like some nonsense lingo this show would use in a cutaway scene from a fake sci-fi movie.

Love & War

Love & War was another CBS sitcom that shared a universe (and a creator/producer) with Murphy Brown. Seinfeld and David returned the favor for that Kramer cameo by appearing as themselves in an episode of it in which the characters spot a famous author writing something in their restaurant. In the end, the author’s mysterious work is revealed to be an unsolicited Seinfeld script where Kramer sleeps with Elaine. Cut to Jerry and Larry seeing the script, throwing it in the garbage… and then fishing it out when they consider the erotic possibilities.

Curb Your Enthusiasm

In Curb Your Enthusiasm‘s Season Seven, David agrees to put together a Seinfeld reunion, an idea he‘s always hated, but only as part of a ploy to get his ex-wife back. If watching a table read for a show within another show wasn‘t confusing enough, the layers of reality get even more mixed up when Jason Alexander quits the pretend reunion and Larry steps in to play George since the character was based on himself in the first place. Worlds are colliding!

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

The It‘s Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode “The Gang Does a Clip Show” says some pretty deep things about the unreliable nature of our own memories — and, therefore, our very identities — when the protagonists reminisce about that time they made a bet to see who could go the longest without masturbating. What follows is a shockingly accurate recreation of the scene from Seinfeld‘s “The Contest” in which Kramer (or, in this case, Charlie) slams the money on the table and says “I‘m out.”


Absolute balls-out masterpiece, completely uncompromising.