Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Animatrix is the most legitimate Matrix sequel.

I am being kinda sardonic but that follow up is what makes Neo one of the best representations of Superman, as well as why it’s so hard to make a Superman movie that pleases general audiences. Having god-like powers doesn’t make him a god. Watching him act like one is as boring as Black Adam (the movie) if it doesn’t interrogate why that’s a problem.

To me, Reloaded presented questions and obstacles that felt surprising yet inevitable given the way the first Matrix ended.

Neo has god-like powers. But he is still bound by his humanity as much as the people he is trying to help. He doesn’t have infinite power and infinite resources. He doesn’t have all knowledge or even all GOOD knowledge. He makes mistakes, and don’t forget that a lot of people DON’T WANT TO WAKE UP.

Neo awakens to his powers and is full of his own magnificence, but very quickly he discovers the real world obstacles present for even a person with god-like powers.

His ultimate obstacle is Human Choice. Superman could try to make the world perfect by forcing his will on everyone. We’ve seen that explored in various literal Superman stories, eg Injustice, Batman v Superman, Brightburn, Red Son.

Neo’s Shadow self (Smith) gives it a shot.

The Architect does, too, although he tries less direct means once he sees forcing people is never as powerful as persuasion.


I have a question about The Flash movie for any law bros ITT. Not a huge spoiler for the whole movie since this is in the opening setup but still a spoiler for sure.

Barry is trying to prove his dad’s alibi that he was buying tomatoes when his mom was murdered.

The opening of the movie shows sorry, the footage doesn’t show his dad’s face, he never looks up high enough, so no proof he was at the store instead of at home killing Nora.

But when Barry finds his dad holding his dying mother–the scene that implicates his dad as the killer–his mother has just been stabbed. Like his dad walked in and she’s still dying.

Proving his dad was buying tomatoes doesn’t do anything to prove he didn’t then come home and immediately stab her, no???

Could the coroner or anyone else prove that she was either dead or still living when he arrived home? Is there someone who could verify that particular wound would take x amount of time to bleed out and thus it would be possible to buy the tomatoes and return home while she was still alive?

Does Barrys dad have flash powers?

Your question somehow makes it less likely that I will ever see this movie. The whole setup sounds impossibly stupid

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I had the same question you did.
To me it seemed like he still arrived soon enough after the stabbing that an expert witness would not be able to lock down time of death with enough certainty that being at the store would matter. But, within the universe of the movie, we are told that it matters, so I guess you can choose to accept that premise or not

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Lol sigh yeah

I just love true crime so it stood out to me.

No joke though something primal activated in me the moment Michael Keaton came on screen. He is without doubt the best Batman of all time. When he is on screen, the movie WORKS.

But otherwise part of the problem is that Flashpoint has been adapted several times over the last decade, at least once in a far superior manner (though animated), so audiences have no significant reason to rush to see yet another take on that story.

Wait a minute.

Youre saying a DC movie is confusing, has stupid enormous plot holes and generally doesnt make any sense?

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Well sure but Keaton does that for most movies he is in

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I was like lol this dude would MAYBE get an appeal. No way he is exonerated on that alone.

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Right it’s just that Filmcast (obv not you lol) was saying well they don’t use the character enough to justify him being played by Keaton instead of a different version of Ben Affleck’s Batman or something, but that’s just false. Michael Keaton owns the role in a way no other actor ever has in a live action setting. I think his performance stands out even if you’ve never seen his Batman movies.

But seriously?

How far away is the store? Did he use self checkout? If he used an actual register couldnt the checker provide evidence for the alibi? How long does it take to bleed out from a stab wound? What was the mom doing while bleeding out? DOES THE DAD HAVE FLASH POWERS?!?!?!

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It also is funny the movie doesn’t seem to care about who actually killed his mom. We get it’s not his dad, but it just adds more questions.

I’ve at least watched other flash stuff to know how it usually works.

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I thought they were gonna go the route not just of Barry realizing he has to let her die, but that “evil” Barry is the one who killed her.

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I thought so too, but I guess maybe they were trying to save the reverse flash for a future film and uh, oops?

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Could also be something they changed after James Gunn came aboard.

I meant to follow up the Almost Famous post with something: After Almost Famous finished playing (on Paramount+), it immediately started playing Adventureland, and I thought this was an amazing algorithmic choice. I mentioned earlier that I am overly susceptible to nostalgia-type movies, and both Almost Famous and Adventureland scratch me right where I itch. So even though I meant to turn off the TV after watching Almost Famous, I ended up watching about half an hour of Adventureland. Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart are both great, and the entire cast is really strong (Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig, especially).

I did make the mistake of mentioning that Ryan Reynolds is basically the most handsome man alive, though. My wife was astounded with this take and started listing actors she thought were better looking. This was all fun and games until she got to Robert Pattinson, at which point I turned off the tv and stopped talking to her.


Adventureland is great and your response to your wife was wholly appropriate.

I think many times straight males take mostly aesthetics into account when judging other men’s attractiveness while others might factor in many other variables. Ryan Reynolds is objectively attractive as a human but when ranking attractiveness people will use so many other factors, so it makes sense,

Your wife is still wrong though.


Trying to think of a movie that would pair well for a trilogy, but almost all of them are kinda crass in a way Almost Famous and Adventureland are careful to never be.