Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Ill add You’re Next (not quite the same but close) to this list. Still need to see Hush but if it sits in your list with Panic Room and Gerald’s Game then I am 100% in.

Still cant believe they got the degloving scene on film. I had visions of that scene in my mind since I read it in 98. Was as gloriously nasty as I had hoped.

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Biggest innovation of Titanic was getting PG-13 rating with topless Kate Winslet

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Mal always has the knives out during drafts and it’s always glorious.

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Nice, thank you

Sixteen Candles walked so that Titanic could run.

Yep. Can’t think of a bigger dropoff in a franchise.

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Watching Armageddon. Clearly a nuke at 780 feet depth won’t work at all. But a nuke at 800 foot depth will save the world.

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This is an exceedingly dumb take.

Cis white male says what?

OMG :smiley:

Also the Unbreakable trilogy and the Shyamalan brand.

Unbreakable :popcorn:

Split :popcorn: :popcorn:

Glass :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :popcorn: :popcorn: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face:

Only one trilogy to date gives a 10/10 every movie


Help, im a turtle and I cant get up

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Should have disclaimed ‘in my viewing experience’ haven’t had the pleasure of Jaws sequels.

Matrix drop off was another big one imo (though some people love the sequels for a reason I cannot understand)

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I always thought that Jaws 2 should have had a shark with two mouths.


I am a Matrix sequel apologist, but one of the best movies ever to kinda OK at worst doesn’t qualify I don’t think.


You know, I liked the set-up. Spooky glitches on recordings is a thing horror movies have done before but this movie does a good job of establishing the world of these 90’s video nerds. Unfortunately it kind of falls apart at the end and turns into a weird shaggy dog story.

I’d say skip this movie but keep an eye on the director and lead star, I’d give them a chance on other projects.

Changing subjects, Indy / Star Wars / LoTR are still the most consistent trilogies in the business.

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Yeah you do, that movie whips.


I would watch Temple of Doom twice in a row on a loop while physically tied to my seat before I would sit through Matrix 2 again with full bodily freedom and autonomy, bathroom break privileges, etc.


Also I have no morbid curiosity to watch a second of any Jaws sequel. It’s very easy for me to simply believe nearly unanimous horrific reviews, especially about sequels.

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