Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I watched Enemy of the State because it’s on the Rewatchables and it was on TNT. I dunno man, pretty fucking ridiculous, especially the ending.

Movie is absolutely horrible. I loved it when I saw it in the theater upon release, and I rewatched it on DVD later and still felt the same. When I rewatched it a couple of years ago I could not believe what a ridiculous pile of crap it was. I don’t really get why I used to love it. The Rewatchables crew is way too kind to it.

Fair points. Some would say even your comments are still too kind.

Will Smith is a pretty terrible actor imo. His fame is some mass delusion I’ve never really understood.

I think Will Smith has charisma and it factor in spades. I’m willing to say that without saying he’s a great actor, because I agree that he isn’t one. But there are stars who I just absolutely don’t understand, and Will is nowhere near that category for me.

All of my complaints with that movie are about the script itself. Acting is fine. Gene Hackman is the bright spot; he’s fun as hell in it, but not to the extent that he can rescue it.

Eh, Will Smith is solid. Obviously, his star is tarnished now, but I have no complaints about his career and his acting ability.

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Did he actually slap Chris Rock or was that a stunt? I never read anything about that again lol

He did actually slap him.

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I can accept the ludicrous technology as a conceit of the movie. But here’s my top 10 most ridiculous things:

  1. Entire office full of completely evil NSA people who have no problem assassinating the Speaker of the House? Half the time they’re discussing it in the open around everyone in this big open office. So that’s what 100s of people who might overhear? Come on. There could only be a few people in on a conspiracy that big.
  2. The 12-way shoot out at the end. GMAFB. I want Voight to go to jail and be disgraced and his whole operation exposed. He got off too easy. Very unsatisfying.
  3. Will Smith walking into a mob lair and being ridiculously confrontational with them for no reason.
  4. Voight trusting Will Smith that he didn’t make another copy of the tape.
  5. Hackman convincing Jack Black and the other dude to run in to the shootout.
  6. The Asian lady getting all excited that some strange dude is undressing in their hotel room.
  7. Will Smith just walks out free after the shootout. No one wants to question him or detain him or anything,
  8. Jack Black telling his guy to rotate 75 degrees multiple times. 75 degrees is not a thing. 45,90, maybe 60. But 75 twice? No way.
  9. It not occurring to Will Smith that the craziness with Jason Lee and the break in to his house might be related. Also why weren’t they initially worried someone might still be in the house?
  10. If you’re going to frame Will Smith for murdering Lisa Bonet, why let the body sit for so long? Just make an anonymous 9/11 call that you heard screaming in the apartment. Also FFS just leave like one cufflink behind a couch or something. No killer would leave behind their entire monogrammed wardrobe in plain sight.



I’m watching Any Given Sunday now. Better than I remember so far. Opening football game very entertaining.

Lol this sequence is terrible.

Jamie Foxx on the ground in the end zone after the flip:

Jamie Foxx rolling on totally green grass:

Next frame, Jamie Foxx done rolling in the very much not green end zone, no #X7 defender anywhere near him:

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That’s disappointing. Also saw it in a theater when it was released and liked it a lot. Haven’t watched it since.

Any Given Sunday didn’t require a 20-year revisit for me; I hated that one in the theater. I do enjoy the Pacino motivational locker room speech as a stand-alone piece though.

I tend to just be a skeptic about sports movies though. If the whole plot is “team tries to win the big one,” Hoosiers was already done perfectly and doesn’t require being done 500 more times. If it’s a character-focused story where sports is a supporting character then that’s a different story.

All of which is why The Last Boy Scout is elite.

Cameron Diaz and Elizabeth Berkeley tho. Such good outer range from them.

Getting some insufferable Oliver Stone moralizing in now midway through. Utterly not surprising that guy turned out to be a total scumbag.

Ok now we’re getting weird with the Ben Hur splicing in.

College kids getting paid stuff and concussion stuff is prescient.

Do players really talk back to their coaches all the time like this? I have a hard time imagining it. Maybe on terrible teams.

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I enjoyed Last Boy Scout, but it’s so dark and bleak. But still was surprisingly good. That’s on my list to watch before the Rewatchables podcast.

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You gotta follow it up with the full spiritual trilogy.

Any Given Sunday
Remember the Titans
The Replacements

To me, the reason to watch Last Boyscout is Damon Wayans. He went on a tear for the next ten years with movies like Blankman, Bulletproof (opposite Adam Sandler), and the immortally funny Major Payne.

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