Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)


I have no idea how TNT massacres the movie, but I can’t endorse anything but watching the real thing. Aside from The Godfather: Part II, there isn’t even a valid competitor with it for GOAT.

Spicy takes ITT.

Hated Magnolia. Boogie Nights is nothing like so much more fun.

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Magnolia is very different. Wouldn’t blame anyone for hating it. I love it but it’s not for everyone. It’s not for very many people really. Lol.

I couldn’t really get my mind around the fact that the Academy decided that THAT was what they suddenly wanted to consider recognizing Tom Cruise for. But admittedly it’s been over 20 years since I’ve seen it, and I mostly just remember not enjoying it. And I guess I retained some weird blurry collage of random memorable moments from it.

Cruise is great in it. It’s small role but he nails the mix of incel with a heart.

Imo TWBB is better than Boogie nights, but I’d much rather re-watch boogie nights.


Yeah but that’s got more to do with Marky Mark

I see that Robert Hanssen is dead, which reminds me: Breach was a very solid movie. Nothing amazing, but I think I watched it twice and it held up well on second viewing.

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Magnolia has a sense of this gradual crescendo throughout the film. An insanity that involves most of the characters becomes almost frantic


Halfway through Dog Day Afternoon and I never thought I’d say it, but Heat might actually not be Al Pacino’s best bank robbery movie

Dog Day Afternoon is excellent. John Cazale only made amazing shit and then died. While dating Meryl Streep I think.


One of the unsung gems of trans cinema :transgender_flag:

A shame Leon was played by a cis actor, but it was 1975. Adapting the trans part of the story was revolutionary for the time.

Had to press pause at the third act! But I am familiar enough with the real story and everything after that I’m not expecting any plot twists before I can watch the end.

Alright, I knocked out Boogie Nights. Good movie. Spent the first 30 minutes being skeptical I was going to like it much, but it definitely won me over after that.

Would never think to compare it to TWBB absent the PTA connection, but it’s no insult to Boogie Nights to say that it doesn’t topple TWBB for me. Most movies don’t.

Definitely glad that this unlocks about four new hours of Rewatchables content for me (I only listen when I’ve seen the movie).


As someone who liked movie 1, and had it as my movie of the year, I thought this might be a bit of an exaggeration.

Its not. Its absolutely stunning. The most visually incredible film I have ever seen. On top of that I loved the story and had multiple instances of my jaw dropping to the floor.

Amazing. 100/100


Yeah I need to watch Heat soon and unlock a shit ton of Rewatchables content. I screwed up and listened to a few episodes where I thought I knew the movie so well over many viewings. But if I hadn’t seen it in the last year or so I realized I need to watch it first.

I didn’t totally fall in love with Boogie Nights until my second viewing a few years later. It just has so many banger scenes. I think it gets a lot funnier on second viewing, because the first viewing you’re just trying to absorb all the crazy shit that’s going on. Second viewing you can watch Philip Seymour Hoffman more. And the music studio scenes just kill me. The crying coke scene cracks me up too.

Also the firecracker scene is probably the most tense I’ve ever been in a movie theater.

Oh yeah, I really hope someone has filled in the Rewatchables guys on what “Do you want to play baseball?” means. They had no idea it meant freebase.

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Watched TWBB again while I still had the Amazon rental. Awesome movie.

Watching a great movie for the first time, then listening to the Rewatchables on it, then watching it again is a great combo.

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Yeah I had no idea that he had meant that by “play baseball” either. I will say that, waking up and listening to some of the Rewatchables on this, the movie is definitely already digesting even better than when the credits first rolled. (They also reminded me that PTA was the mind behind Phantom Thread, a movie that bored me to tears and I really can’t understand what seemingly all the Ringer hosts see in it.)

Heat didn’t work for me on first watch when it was fairly new to VHS. I got to some throwaway line where Al Pacino says, “You get shot walking your DOGGIE!” then rolled my eyes and wondered why I was watching Pacino play a caricature of himself. Turned it off shortly after. Revisited it last year and it’s tremendous. (That one line delivery is still painful.) Might not have necessarily revisited it if the Rewatchables wasn’t so persistent in talking about it all the damn time.


Glad to hear the raves about Spiderverse. I can’t be fussed to go to the theater much these days, and I probably won’t be able to talk myself into going to any showings that are inevitably riddled with loud kids, but I guess maybe I could hit a late-night screening after the movie has already been out for a number of weeks.