Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I’d say it’s a bigger indictment on Disney Pixar then Disney Marvel.

What is the last Pixar movie to come close to this level? Half the stuff looks the same as their 90s stuff.

I’m kind of a weirdo in that I’m not always ready for the emotional tumult of a movie I haven’t seen.

In a re-viewing of a great movie after some time, I can appreciate the characters, dialog, action, etc. without stressing about what’s about to happen in the big plot stuff.

But I think I’m ready tonight.

Curiously neither of you mentioned the fact that this is a part one of two movie. Without spoilers, is the ending satisfying or does it feel lile an unfinished cliffhanger we wont have a satisfying conclusion to for four years?

There’s going to be a sequel to Departed in 4 years?

What in the hell. That was unexpected. As a fellow Marvel loather, I am almost tempted to watch it. Prob not though.

Unexpected? The first one was excellent

It demonstrated to me why live action superhero movies don’t ever work. The medium they were designed for is animation. Life action cgi-fests don’t have a chance at being as good, or even good. It’s a basic failure of the medium.

Unexpected from Clovis. I know nothing about the first one. Saw a guy in tights punching and kicking his problems away and didn’t bother. Maybe I should try it though.

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If you like movies it’s impossible not to like it. It’s a creative visual masterpiece that can only occur on film.

You can basically ignore the plot (I mostly did) and treat it like Fantasia or Baraka.

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You liked The Batman last year.

The Dark Knight still holds up really well.

You cant get a performance like Ledger in an animated movie.

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I saw a guy in hoplite armor spearing his problems away so I didn’t bother with the Iliad

I also have The Godfather DVRed off of TNT. I don’t think I’m gonna watch it tonight, but will the TNT version lose a lot? I don’t think there’s a ton of cursing, nudity? Maybe some violence?

Omg you are in for a treat suzzer

Easily the best movie the cast of The Departed has ever been in. And The Departed has one hell of a cast!

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idk what’s going on here exactly but I am an ally.

Should I rent the real version of The Godfather instead of watch the censored TNT version? Some movies lose a ton, some not so much.

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True. Rare exceptions

I don’t think you can afford to lose something essential to a movie like the Godfather.

How dare you slight Dirk Diggler.

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It might be fun if the TNT version has retro commercials but I support either decision.