Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Chronicles of Riddick - most criminally underrated movie of the last 25 years.

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I never listened to The Rewatchables until a few months ago. Now I’m basically binging it whenever I’m out of the house. Bill Simmons used to annoy me, but I love him now that I know we have 98% the same taste in movies. It’s a lot of fun reliving the iconic movies from the 70s-10s that have shaped how I think about the world.

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It really dragged. It felt like the kind of story Rod Serling would have done in a tight 30-min that blows your mind. Or would have made a great short story.

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Just watched Jurassic park, now watching Lost World. If I ever saw this movie I don’t remember a single thing. Totally ridiculous plot development for the first 30 minutes, but who gives a shit dinosaurs are coming. Vince Vaughn isn’t working for me. Also why is Jeff Goldblum so tan? JFC I swear I could come up with better plot contrivances in 10 minutes.

Best line of the original Jurassic Park has to be “clever girl”. Anyone think different?


It’s full of so many good lines.

If The Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don’t eat the tourists.

Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.

Hold on to your butts.


I’ve seen every Jurassic Park/World movie and felt like this trailer was better than everything after Lost World.

Are you watching the whole saga :popcorn:

#2 is very close as far is iconic and entering into the vernacular.

Btw I still use Newman’s failed drive to the dock as an analogy for one of those situations where nothing goes right, and everything you try to do just makes you fall farther and farther behind.

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I’m excited about Meg 2. I was very impressed with how much effort they went to to make the first seem like it could actually happen.


Meg is an amazing paperback too, if you’re into that kind of thing.

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I didn’t realize part 1 was that good. I am ready for part 2 just from the trailer. Will gladly check out part 1 too :popcorn:

No way. Appreciate the book rec.

It’s an ironic reading rec, if that wasn’t clear.

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Spared no expense

At least we’re out of the tree

Must go faster. Must go faster.

Well when you got to go, you got to go


Like if you’re into Michael Crichton style books or if you’re a dummy about to get roasted

Incomprehensible Lost World is proof that director doesn’t matter, only screenwriter.

I’m only down with “clever girl” and “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” so far.

Btw I just listened to the Rewatchables doing Caddy Shack and am still laughing at all the lines.

Lacey Underall: “You’re crazy”
Ty Webb: “That’s what they said about Son of Sam”

Me and my friends spoke Caddyshack in high school most of the time. We rarely had communications that weren’t in a voice of one of the characters.

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One New Year’s Day we were all sitting around still cracked out from the previous night. A Twilight Zone marathon came on and we watched that thing for 8 hours, completely transfixed, including people who had never seen the show before.


Btw is it ever explained how Jeff Goldblum has a 12-year-old black child that he never mentioned in the previous movie, which took place 4 years earlier?

Also Julianne Moore is his girlfriend but barely says a single word to the child throughout the movie? That seems like a red flag. She clearly belongs with Vince Vaughn.

I’m drunk right now in case it’s not clear.

Fwiw David Koepp is the screenwriter for Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.

Which I think is going to bomb pretty hard. The nostalgia factors are not there for Indy sequels, and the movie itself won’t be THAT good.

I was joking about director not mattering, but this movie is a complete disaster - script wise.

Dude’s gonna kill a T-rex with a double barrel 12-guage.

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