Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I thought his catch phrase was wow?

Whoa or wow

Or maybe it’s whoa :thinking:

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Heh that’s crazy, I’ve never been able to really pinpoint what makes it appear for me so it’s interesting that the scene had such a strong effect on us both.


There was a scene in black panther where the camera kinda rolled upside down (terrible explanation sorry) and i had to leave the cinema for 5 minutes.

Guessing you don’t watch Blair Witch Project once a year

Coincidentally, I was going to post this today:
One of my long-standing blind spots is that I’ve never seen any of the John Wick movies. We addressed that last night when the family watched the original together. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but man did it exceed my expectations. Overall, a really tight movie that had us all on the edge of our seats throughout. The movie just rules and now I can’t wait to see the second. I had no idea that my girl Adrianne Palicki was in it, and I’m super disappointed that Ms. Perkins won’t be in the sequels (I assume? I mean, unless there’s a “The dead speak!” moment).

Perhaps most surprising is that my daughter loved it, other than the part where she burst into tears when Keanu’s dog got got.

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Yep, that’s Daniel Stern, one of the robbers from Home Alone and the adult voice for Kevin in Wonder Years.

This is a wonderful time-travel movie.

You don’t know where it’s going. It’s almost like someone watched Primer and said okay but what if it was also fun???

The reason I mention it is that yes, it’s on Prime video, but it’s also now on…TUBI!!!

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That’s fucking awesome.

Divine was the physical inspiration for Ursula from the Little Mermaid :heart: :heart: :heart:

Voiced of course by Pat Carroll, who quietly passed away during the pandemic at her home in Cape Code on July 2022 from pneumonia at the age of 95.


The copy of Hard Boiled i just watched had ridiculously bad audio/actor mouth movement synching, it felt dubbed but the audio was Chinese so I’m guessing that isn’t the case. It bothered me a lot, the movie itself was ok but I didn’t love it. I’m not sure how well action like this holds up now.

Being a parent means you can’t do stuff like this anymore

Daniel Knox is a musician, composer, and former projectionist for Chicago’s legendary Music Box Theatre who is bringing his love of David Lynch to the Texas Theatre for a special two-week engagement this spring.

From May 24 to June 4, creative agency Talented Friends will be hosting David Lynch: A Complete Retrospective , a celebration of the Oscar-winning surrealist’s work, at the Texas Theatre.

I saw the new Dungeons and Dragons movie yesterday. It was … ok, I guess? Like there was stuff happening and some jokes and some fights, but mostly I just wasn’t that into it. Maybe this is what it’s like for some people to watch Marvel movies.

hated it

not enough time travel! primer was relatable because the guys immediately started using it to get rich. his life was ruined by time travel how, exactly? because he didn’t try hitting it off with a girl at his work 30 years ago?

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Like Keanu


Hey thanks for watching it and telling me what you thought tho :slight_smile:


Agree. I got dragged to this and it was ok. Not awful. Not that good.

The carriage teleportation scene was pretty good.

My son got very excited when they figured out they had a hither-thither stick. “Look, Dad, a portal!”

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This is a pretty resoundingly good review from Clovis. My wife will probably love it. On Fri she bought us tickets to go yesterday, and we both forgot, so we’ll give it another try tonight. Maybe we’ll actually make it there this time.

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It’s not an Official @clovis8 Movie Review unless it includes a complaint that no one makes movies like Before Sunrise anymore.

By the way, on the weekend we watched an extremely passable mediocre Canadian facsimile of Before Sunrise called Stay The Night. If you thought that Before Sunrise needed less Paris and more Toronto then this film is for you!


Added to my queue!