Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Article about the falling out between Will Ferrell and Adam McKay, from McKay’s pov anyway

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Seems…fine? Everyone under 45 already knows Bowser and everyone over 45 will get the reference. Good writing :+1:


I did a double take at the Lionel Barrymore reference but then I remembered that it’s Variety

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The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine right…

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“Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.”


What if there was an unexplored explanation for the Black Panther’s transition from one life to the next?

What if the imagery and anecdotes about T’Challa’s death were like most religious stories — adaptations of brief moments given agency and spectacle beyond memory or dream?

To say they never are true would not be fair — but to say they never happened would not be fair, either.


They both seem like good people. The entire premise of their new production company, of which this is the first film, is to give below the line artists profit sharing.

Project Greenlight was a similar attempt. I loved that show - so fascinating to watch the sausage of a movie being made.

If I had it all to do over again I’d try to work on movies in some capacity. It seems like never a dull day.


Speaking of

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The show was fascinating for sure. I loved their reboot season.

Just wish the movies we got out of them had been any good lol

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Tubi adds another cult classic, this one from Mark Hamill.

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Damon and Affleck were recently on the Bill Simmons podcast and they said that starting when they were in HS and for a while into their careers, they had a shared bank account where they would deposit money from their jobs and either guy could use it for things like paying to go on auditions (but also more frivolous stuff like buying beer for their buddies parties). It really showed how deep their friendship goes, but I couldn’t help but wonder if the would have kept it up if they hadn’t both blown up. Like, is there a world where Affleck is just bumming around Southie spending all of Damon’s Bourne money?


It’s difficult for me to imagine, since it would involve only Damon hitting it big after Good Will Hunting.

Affleck arguably became famous faster being in the best picture winner the year after Hunting and in Armageddon. Mind you Damon was in Saving Private Ryan that year too.

Never even heard of that one. Tubi continues to deliver.

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Sure, but (a) Damon was the lead and (b) there are other examples of movies where two people start off at the same level and only one takes off. Even with the two of them now, I’d say that Damon has been more consistently rated across the course of his career while Affleck has had more peaks and valleys. Anyway, I just thought it was funny to imagine them at 15 years old sitting down on a Sunday afternoon to balance the checkbook or something :)