Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I like that kind of feeling. Been meaning to watch Prisoners for a while, I like/love most of Villeneuve’s movies

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Did you like nightcrawler as well?

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Loved it. Seen it so many times. What did you think?

Also loved The Road, both book and movie.

Other emotionally exhausting movies? Not sure if Requiem for a Dream works. Leaves me feeling more shook than exhausted.

#1 on that list would be Uncut Gems.


Doesnt event sniff Dear Zachary’s jock.


Leaving Las Vegas is pretty rough.


House of Sand and Fog

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The Pianist


I’m with Matt.

Or maybe I’m all by myself because Uncut Gems kinda jazzes me up. Yeah the ending is bleak but the ride there is exciting.

I would add:

The Fountain
Black Swan
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Boys Don’t Cry
The Land Before Time
Hotel Rwanda
American History X
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Dancer in the Dark
Funny Games
The Perfection
What Dreams May Come
The Game
The Piano


Requiem for a Dream


Same on “uncut gems”, I found it very fun.

For some reason the most psychologically difficult movie to watch for me is “The talented Mr ripley”. There’s something about someone about to be found out as a fraud that stresses me intensely. Must be my impostor syndrome…


I can see that. And a very good movie too. Stacked cast. I am optimistic about emotionally exhausting movies we like to watch. It could be helping you figure out something deep about your imposter syndrome. Like horror movies teaching us to accept horrible things beyond our control and be okay as the credits roll anyway.

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The Killing Fields

tho the ending is super triumphant on a mountain ridge on the Thai/ Cambodian border :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :

Kramer vrs. Kramer

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Missing the most devastating movie ever: Lilya 4-Ever (2002) - IMDb

Fantastic movie, but honestly not sure if it was worth seeing. Theme: forced prostitution and human trafficking from Russia.

In the running for best opening/closing act ever.

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Devoured the book in one day. Just love love love McCormick’s writing style.

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Argentina, 1985

It beat out All Quiet on the Western Front and RRR at the Golden Globes for best non-English language film, so I thought I’d give it a shot.

It’s about the “Trial of the Juntas” where the leaders of the Argentine dictatorship of the late 70s/early 80s were prosecuted. As a generic American largely unfamiliar with the subject matter, I’m sure I missed several things. But nonetheless found the movie quite compelling. It reminded me a little of an Aaron Sorkin film, but much less annoying. If you’re into courtroom dramas, I’d definitely recommend it.

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Finally saw Glass Onion. It was good! Probably enjoyed Knives Out a bit more, but Glass Onion was certainly entertaining and an ensemble cast murder mystery is always fun. Certainly a quality follow-up to Knives Out.

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I’ve been seeing and listening to a bunch of interviews with Brendan Fraser and man, he seems like such a nice, thoughtful guy. Happy that he is getting recognition now.


So I watched this and I wouldn’t agree with that. What he refuses to do is to give a clear cut answer that obviously right wing echo chambers are worse and charlatans combined with cynical politicians lead people to believe that they could overthrow democracy because democracy means their and only their will should count.

He never says that explicitly and when pushed to say that he pushes back, but it’s obvious from the footage and his choice of footage that he clearly believes it. He does film some left wing rallies, such as when Biden wins, and the footage makes lefty people seem animated but still, you know normal. He then cuts right back to right wing rallies where they’re saying insane crazy things. When the little kid is talking about how he thinks the Q Anon movement deceived people for gain, he overlays a clip of Alex Jones.

I think he point of view is outside of the establishment which means he doesn’t take the self righteous view of mainstream media people, see this god awful and I mean god awful interview with Robin Young.

I think it works for him because there’s no way you could get CNN or NPR to interview these people or go to those shows so you need a bit of independence to have credibility with the people your interviewing and watching. I think it’s a worthwhile documentary if you want to see how deep down the rabbit hole these people are and now mainstream all the insanity is. If someone’s a political junkie who keeps up with GOP nothing will be too surprising though