Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I have not yet posted the RFC but will be adding your name to it because wtf

Iā€™m French ! Yes thereā€™s a ton of good stuff in French cinema, happy to give some recommendations, although you seem to already have a good idea of where to look.

(btw Jeanne Dielman is a good movie but thereā€™s almost no dialogue in it so it wonā€™t do much for your language lol)

The French New Wave directors are great because they are many and all have a very distinct style. In addition to those you mentioned :

Rohmer is a great bet because he made many movies and was very consistent. These movies involve a lot of talk (characters talking about love and their vision of it) so also good for language. I would suggest to try one or two from 80s and 90s (e.g. ā€œsummer taleā€ or ā€œgreen rayā€) and if you like them youā€™re in luck because thereā€™sabout 20 more in the same caliber. (The most famous are the 60s ones but I wouldnā€™t start with them bc the main characters are toxic males deluding themselves which is the point of the movies but takes some getting used to)

Rivette is also great (Iā€™m trying to watch more of his but they are typically quite long). Some playful adventure(-ish) movies with very small budget, often starring women. ā€œDuelleā€ was my favorite (but thereā€™s still many I havenā€™t seen).

A movie I really liked that I saw recently is Louis Malleā€™s ā€œfeu folletā€ (ā€œthe fire withinā€) which is about a recovering alcoholic who goes to the city (Paris 1960s) planning to spend one last day with former acquaintances before killing himself. This sounds depressing and it kinda is but is a great movie.

Another good French director who started in the 80s is Leos Carax (made ā€œAnnetteā€ a few years ago). ā€œMauvais sangā€ (starring Binoche at the height of her beauty) is great, like a Godard styled film that would actually have some feelings. His other stuff is good too (ā€œholy motorsā€ ā€œlovers on the bridgeā€).

For more recent stuff itā€™s more difficult to recommend as itā€™s really more a matter of personal tastes, Iā€™ve liked some of Bruno Dumontā€™s (ā€œMa louteā€ ā€œPā€™tit quinquinā€) but itā€™s very weird and also set in the North using non-professional actors, and the accent makes it sometimes difficult to understand even for me (my gf is from the area and can translate)

For mainstream comedies, I would recommend the 90s movie called ā€œLes visiteursā€, about 2 middle age people finding themselves in modern times. Might be that I first saw it as a kid but it was still hilarious on recent rewatches. A lof of it has to do with the language though, so Iā€™m not sure if it would work for you.

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s plenty more that I donā€™t have in mind right nowā€¦if I think of something specific Iā€™ll update you

not sure what youā€™re talking about hereā€¦


Just giving one more definite recommandation in French cinema with 1962 ā€œLa jetĆ©eā€, 28 mins long combining narration and still photographs (except for one shot) to tell the story of a time traveller from a post-apocalyptic future (12 monkeys was loosely based on it). Doesnā€™t get much better than this, and is for free on youtube

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Thanks, to you and the others.

Some of these I have seen and love. Three Colorā€™s I absolutely loved. Blue is one of my all time favorites. All 3 are good and Red is close to Blue in my eyes, but the Music theme is big for me in Blue. Have watch Some Carax (Mauvais Sang and Holy Motors). Liked these, I like weird ass shit like Holy Motors. La jetĆ©e was cool. Recently saw that.

But regardless have lots of stuff Iā€™ve never heard of to add to my watch list. My main goal is to have good movies to watch and it just is a bonus that I get to practice my listening skills.

RE: the Website, you had mentioned when talking about Saw Six/Sauscisse that it came from a big French movie website. Would mind looking around there, but Iā€™m sure google could lead me there.

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Has anyone mentioned Le Samourai? Itā€™s like the French version of Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai, great movie.


Not seen it but love Ghost Dog so :+1:

Oh right, I meant which I use to keep track of theater release dates and has Rotten Tomatoes like review aggregator. Not sure if it would be very useful if you donā€™t live here thoughā€¦

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Le Samourai is just like Ghost Dog except the main character doesnā€™t hang out with the RZA or get ice cream. So itā€™s not as good, but itā€™s still pretty good.

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This thing is a pile of crap. Stopped it after 30 seconds b/c the effects were so bad then saw it got 5.5 in IMDB and decided not to continue.

Emily the Criminal


A type of movie that doesnā€™t get made too much anymore. A movie thatā€™s good, not great, but not bad either. It would have played for a few weeks, done ok money, and would built the resume for the actors, writers, and director.

Audrey Plaza is good, Theo Rossi is bleah


heat hand 2


I remember liking Breathless and Vivre Sa Vie in school. Particularly loved the latter.

Missing is getting some really solid reviews. Made by the same team and in the same style as the very highly underrated (more underhyped and undertalked about as I think reviews for it were really good as well) Searching from 2018, this might be my next theatergoing experiencd.

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This gif convinced me youā€™re an AI. No human could respond with such perfection.

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Speaking of, Ashley Judd plays herself in the new movie She Said, and it is powerful in a unique way to see her reenact the events leading up to her decision whether to come out as a Weinstein survivor.

Makes me look back on her movies from this era and want to revisit the golden age before Harvey shut her career down.

I just want to support you and say that you really donā€™t need an excuse to rewatch Ashley Judd at her peak. (I assume you mean Double Jeopardy.)

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That was peak true crime Judd for sure. I think my favorite film of hers is De-Lovely. That de-lightful Alanis Morisette cameo :love_letter:

Phew. If you had said Simon Birch, I would have had to crawl through the internet pipes to strangle you.

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This thread made me rewatch Le Samourai, can confirm it still rules.


I saw this today, and thought it was at least as good as Searching. Theater was surprisingly full for a Saturday matinee of a movie that doesnā€™t seem to have had a ton of promotion.

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