Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)


An in-depth journey through the subculture of competitive eating.


This Place Rules donā€™t bother.

This Place Rules - Wikipedia.

Terrible both sideism nonsense.

Babylon (2022)

Take The Great Gatsby and shove Boogie Nights up its ass and Singin in the Rain down its throat. Force feed it cocaine and a mixture of amphetamines for three straight days then blend it up and spill it on celluloid and you have this movie.

It is Damien Chazelle taking his massive 12 inch cock and smacking you in the face for three hours with both middle fingers raised up high.

This film is total insanity, a total mess, and I totally loved it. I havenā€™t had this much pure fun in a movie since Mad Max Fury Road.

Margo Robbie is a treasure.

That he got $80 million to make this is maybe the craziest fact of this timeline.

Grade: motherfucking yaaaaaaaa you fuckers!



Have you seen RRR yet? Iā€™m not sure whether youā€™d like it or not, but just was curious about your opinion.

I have not yet. Keep meaning to.

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I wonā€™t relax until heā€™s out of critical.

They reported Carrie Fisher was critical but stable. Hard lesson for me that stable doesnā€™t mean out of danger.

Yea the article really doesnā€™t say much more than the headline but critical condition is never good.

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If you like Park Chan Wook he had a new movie out this year called ā€œDecision to leaveā€. Hitchckock type thriller following a policeman that starts to fall for the woman heā€™s investigating who may have killed her husband. Itā€™s technically very well done and pretty solid overall. (It left me a bit cold but that may be on me.)

A funny thing about this movie is that at some point it depicts a piece of equipment that Korean cops have that is a byproduct of strict gun control and that seems incongruous to the western eye. Not spoiling what it is but youā€™ll know it when you see it.

(In general this seems to be a thing in Korean movies ? not sure how realistic it is, but Iā€™ve seen some extremely violent ones, involving the mob etc, where there is not a single gun but all the fights involve hammers, axes, machetesā€¦makes for a ā€œniceā€ change of pace compared to US movies)

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Sounds interesting, thanks for the tip!

Iā€™ve seen three of his movies (chambermaid, oldboy, lady vengeance) which I all liked, so sounds like itā€™s worth checking out.

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Well thatā€™s awful :(

Juliette Lewis performing some PJ Harvey songs (in playback)ā€¦Ralph Fiennes (and his buddy) with mega long hairā€¦Angela Bassettā€¦Pure 90ā€™s :fire: :fire: :fire:

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(English title: Bad Guys)

Has a lot of this where I keep thinking that the show is over as soon as one of the villains decides to bring a gun.

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Strange Days is a criminally underrated sci-fi flick. Bigelow does not miss.


Finally checking out The King of Comedy and gotta say so far every comparison to the Phoenix-led Joker is fair I guess but wow is this far and away the better movie. If you retconned this as the original story for the Joker, this would be the villain with an intelligence, narcissistic charm, and bizarre obsessive drive to make him a worthy foe for Batman.


Me and the missus just finished The Menu and I couldnā€™t tell you what itā€™s about :man_shrugging:

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Ready to see what I think! Looks delicious.

Class and corrupted art :grin:

Finally watched two highly anticipated (by me) movies over the weekend:

Nope - I am torn on this. I didnā€™t love it, but I didnā€™t dislike it either. I thought it was beautifully filmed, but was too long/slow. I donā€™t know if it was intentional, but I found Daniel Kaluuyaā€™s dialog to be really hard to understand, to the point where I put on subtitles midway through the movie. As far as the storyline goes, I like it more after the fact than I did while I was watching it. In fact, I missed completely part of the plot: That Jupe was negotiating with OJ to buy horses because he was feeding those horses to the alien.

Overall, I think I liked it, but itā€™s also very easy to understand how it ended up with this very weird distribution of reviews:

Second movie was Glass Onion, and thatā€™s much easier to describe - this was really fun and Iā€™ll probably watch it again. I donā€™t remember liking the original Knives Out this much, but I might have to revisit that one. Daniel Craig was great, and I especially appreciated Janelle MonĆ”eā€™s performance once I realized that she was playing a role within a role. Best of all was that the entire family liked it, which is a rare find for us.

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