Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

This, with that trailer there is no way its being played straight. One scene has him walking around on stage shirtless absolutely ripped.

Speaking of biopicsā€¦

[LOL at Boosted J being involved]

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Doyleā€™s early life is at least somewhat entertaining.

Plenty of room for making up stories with nobody there to provide witness. Will be a bit like pro wrestling documentaries where the old-timers are basically glorified carnies.


Damn, when I started reading I was hoping it was a bigger budget thing on one of the larger streaming sites.


How does somebody get in with a gun-shaped knife?

Was this like a set up or something? How do you attack somebody by surprise with a knife and not stab them? Does Dave know karate or something?

A fake gun may be the the worst hiding place for a knife imaginable.

Trumpā€™s America.

I always come back to these two scenes

Seems even more powerful now that we know what a failure the Obama administration turned out to be.

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Nice filmography

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To those who have seen the new Doctor Strange movie: do I need to have seen the Disney+ shows to understand some of whatā€™s happening? The trailers make it look like itā€™s linked to Wandavision, but I donā€™t have Disney+ and have thus not seen the shows. Donā€™t want to see the movie and a) not understand some things and b) get spoilers for the shows.

WandaVision is the only background from Disney+ that you need. A recap should suffice.

This movie may be too scary for young kids.

The ā€œbad guy single-handedly kills the Avengersā€ trope always bothers me. Iā€™ve seen it in Rick and Morty, Invincible, and now this. Maybe itā€™s because it makes the power levels seem out of whack. Did get a kick out of seeing Black Bolt from the Inhumans.

Whew Dr Strange is like gasoline to these religious types that are already primed by the Disney is evil stuff. One of my wifeā€™s friend of friend posted on Facebook that she walked out of the theater crying because it felt like her soul and been sucked out of her body because of all the satanic content in Dr Strange.

My wife had to stop reading the comments on the thread because I was crying laughing.


Isnt one of the main villains in the Marvel universe the literal devil? Like wtf are they expecting?

Oh shit, Sam Raimi directs?

Like seriously, wtf are people expecting? Guy has made a career out of people fighting demons.

The ending of one of his movies has the hero being dragged into literal christian hell

I wanted to see Dr. Strange, but he didnā€™t accept my health insurance plan.

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Drag me to hell has the greatest ending in cinema history.


i started reading your post as Dr Strangelove, and i kept trying to wrap my head around the satanic content in there. lol. imagine living with a brain that loses its soul at every disney and marvel movie. i mean i also long for the days i could enjoy movies without checking my phone every five minutes, but damn.

100% agree.

Drag to hell.

Closeup of Long with the button.


My second favorite Raimi movie behind dark horse The Quick and The Dead

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Guess you havenā€™t seen Army of Darkness yet.

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