Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I think it loses a lot of luster when you realize it’s just Flowers for Algernon reskinned with a contemporary sci-fi trope, but it’s not exactly the same and I like it for what it is.

The samurai movies were heavily influenced by early Westerns, and in turn later Westerns were influenced by samurai movies. Magnificent Seven is an adaptation of Seven Samurai, for example.

A lot of Shakespeare influences in Kurosawa as well.

Samuel Jackson once mentioned that he took every piece of work that he could get since it was very helpful in maintaining sobriety.

I’d guess lots of actors are in this position.

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Blazing Saddles


I finally got around to watching this. I liked it. To me it had a lot of things that hit really well.

But I feel like the ‘you don’t understand it’s controversial, but that’s because its a great biting comedy about racism’ was a bit overblown in both directions. It’s not out here ‘destroying racism’, it’s just making jokes about how racist white people are, and it could get made today because you can see the genesis of a lot of jokes about racists made in movies since then. You could remake Blazing Saddles today, it just wouldn’t be as funny.

Bruce Willis is “stepping away” from his acting career after being diagnosed with aphasia, which leads to the loss of ability to understand or express speech, his family said in a statement posted to social media

Is the answer to that question core to whether it’s ever ethically ok to hit someone because you were caused pain by their words vs. their touch?

Dr. Marvin Monroe says yes!

“Things unfolded in a way we could not have anticipated,” the academy said. “While we would like to clarify that Mr. Smith was asked to leave the ceremony and refused, we also recognize we could have handled the situation differently.”

Asking him to leave is a worse look than the indecision scenario.

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They’ve got the same people working on this that are working on putting away Donnie Dumb Dumb for doing obvious crimes on tape in public. BUT THERE ARE NORMS WILL HAVE YOU NO SHAME!

I assume being on a set was very comfortable and familiar to him.

Wait, so the Smiths ran a Scientology school for underprivileged children? It all makes so much more sense to me now.

FWIW this is my understanding of how it went down - as he started to slip he told his family he wanted to continue working until he was completely unable. I take that with a grain of salt because that story is coming from his family, but it is still believable.

Very believable, imo.

That’s basically what my dad wants to do and he ain’t no Bruce Willis.

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Sounds like the dems and their strongly worded letters.


“We would like you to leave.”

“No, I don’t feel like it.”

“Well, we did all we could. Here’s your Oscar and a standing ovation.”


The Family Fang

7/10, almost entirely for the acting. The plot didn’t do much for me, especially the resolution of the parents story line. The emotions under the plot for the kids did work for me.

It’s actually hard to see what they should have done in the middle of a live production. It was also 45 min between his craziness and getting his award.

Edit for correction.

I’ll agree that a live show makes things much more difficult, but that’s still a pretty pathetic response. Also it was about 45 minutes, not 15.

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