Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)


Kathy Griffin posted something similar that night. I’m honestly surprised there hasn’t already been a killing by one of these butthurt rednecks

I’m not arguing the definition of disability. I’m saying it’s hypocritical to accuse others of “ableism” and then use those same tactics to argue a point. That’s what this person is doing. She wants to say that a specific thing (alopecia areata) is a serious condition / disability while dismissing another type of the same thing (androgenetic alopecia) all in one swoop. That is exactly the thing that ableists are accused of doing.

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Ted Cruz’s wife after seeing Will Smith defend Jada Pinkett Smith.


I think there is an alternate truth

Watched Fury again. It really is a great movie all the way up to the Saving Private Ryan part.

Still confused why the German’s just didn’t shoot the tanks with paintballs though.

I want to see Jon Bernthal in a family comedy, like cast him as the dad in the next Diary of a Wimpy Kid (I was in the last live action edition, btw…JEALOUS?).

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I was just watching the Sound of Music with the kids and I only just realized that’s it’s pretty weird that Captain Von Trapp was in the Austrian Navy. Why does Austria even have a Navy? Maybe the borders were different back then and Austria wasn’t landlocked?

The borders included most of Croatia.

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Thanks. That saved me a bit of research. Never realized that Croatia was part of Austria.

They do need to extend his range a bit. There’s only so many varieties of threatening lunkhead out there in the world.

I once spent 2 days working at the Von Trapp Family Lodge setting up tents for some sort of horse show. It was miserable work and the hills were not alive with the sound of music.


Google tells me that there are 10 landlocked countries that have a navy. I feel like this was part of a jeopardy clue at one point.

does caspian sea count as land locked?

I saw a comment somewhere that CR should have responded “I’m gonna feel that until August”.

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Until 2010, Wyoming had a Coast Guard station.

Well part of it borders the Pacific Ocean. -Trump probably

It actually made sense. It was part of a long-range navigation system made obsolete by GPS.

The brother of the Austrian Emperor was the emperor of Mexico for a few years.

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