Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Well, Encanto must have been phenomenal if it beat Mitchells vs. the Machines.

(I’m also holding a grudge against Encanto because I had been mulling a movie idea that was similar)


Nice culture we have in America. Dude assaults performer on stage, assaulter doesn’t get escorted out, and instead 15 mins later he’s getting a standing ovation and telling everyone how god commands that he protect women.

0% chance this plays out similarly if Amy Schumer or Dwayne Johnson are hosting and tell that joke. You’re a fucking role model, millions of people are watching you, and this is your move? Then the Academy just, like, keeps the show going? Attacker just chills in his seat, wins the top award, and not only doesn’t apologize but attempts to justify the violence?!


This has got to be a factor right? I am trying very hard to not know anything about this, but I am assuming he smacked Chris Rock before the best actor award was handed out. If that’s the case then it would have been SUPER awkward to toss Will Smith out or even worse have cops drag him out in cuffs and then later on be like “And the winner is … that guy we had arrested! CLAP CLAP CLAP!”

Hollywood is full of self important rich assholes that are Actually Pretty Deplorable and have been struggling to insincerely express support for progressive causes. They Really Truly care about women … just forget all about Harvey Weinstein please. I am trying not to laugh at them struggling in the moment to process what to do. We want to seem like we care about violence, but it would look really bad for us if we throw out Will Smith. Is that anti-Black? Are we The Cops if we have him removed? I don’t know!

If we’re all lucky this will somehow get used to cancel this stupid “event” that has sucked since forever. You can learn everything you need to know about the best movies of the year from Rotten Tomatoes and Reddit.

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Will Smith is a bitch. He was laughing at the joke then had to save face when he looked at his wife. Then, took it out on a pinky-sized comedian. Kevin Hart would’ve beat the shit out of Will Smith.

Props to Chris Rock for not losing his composure up there.


Bader is a fucking treasure. One of my favorite bit actors of all time.

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Also Rock took that amazingly. That wasnt some light tap and he just rolled with it as if nothing happened.

Stand-up comedians have had a lot of shit thrown their way working their way up. Here’s what Jim Jefferies had to deal with

I meant physically. Im a big guy and that probably would have at least dropped me to a knee

Nah. People can take more punishment than they think.

Plus it looked like Rock rolled with it fairly well. So it probably didn’t connect as clean as it appeared at first.

People are trying hard to make memes out of the incident, and they’re all lame.

If you look at the slow motion, he mainly connects with his fingers rather than the palm. Will Smith is a professional, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled up a little bit to make it look worse than it really was.

The nfl memes page was pretty good. Last one had Antonio Brown over both guys. I laughed.

Dirt / stories on Jada?

I was 19 and on vacation in Hawaii (so bougie). I had just gotten there that day (was over Christmas break). There was a place where people hung out down on the beach and I went to see if I knew anyone. But I was sick so I was standing up on this grass way just looking at the ocean. It was really dark out.

A group of guys approached from the beach, I said “What’s up” w a head nod and me of them said “what are you doing” as they open hand slapped me. Dropped me to the ground, pushed my jaw in one side and out the other. Had my mouth wired for six weeks, spent Christmas in the hospital.

The guy got 5 years. I also sued the condo complex because of lax security and because they had a party that night and this guy got blasted there. Lawsuit took ten years to settle. Wasn’t worth it.




again with all the information that’s come out, I think his reaction is maybe 5% understandable but will always be 100% indefensible. And while I don’t think the fact he initially laughed at the joke means that much, as folks under stress can react with all kinds of contrary faces and body language, the way that Will/Jada have publicly handled the alopecia dx (I saw a clip where she said something like “you just have to laugh at it”) for sure makes the ambush slap worse.

Tbh my initial reaction to this last night was simple glee (I’ve always gotten cringey attention whore phony messiah vibes from will smith, and was glad to see him boil over) but my joy was checked in two seconds by the sense that he was actually verging of some kind of core meltdown. Yes I like drama but I’ve got limits and will smith’s having a genuine breakdown in front of millions in a clip that will be replayed for the rest of time would be on the wrong side of whatever mental line I’m working with

but that didn’t happen, and then half of his speech was classic blame the victim bs and the other half was worse, so now I’m feeling comfier and comfier hoping that his career gets kicked in the teeth over this


We do NOT condone violence! Anyways, congrats to Best Actor winner Will Smith!


I am going to go against the grain here and say that I think everyone involved with this story did everything just right. It’s funny too, because I have always kind of disliked Will Smith, Chris Rock, social media and basically the rest of humanity. But after this I have kind of come around on everyone and everything.

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