Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Shut it all down. Can’t top this.


It’s very possible that Will Smith is just too dumb to initially understand the joke and just laughed because others were laughing.

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Yes, I agree that just because he was laughing doesn’t mean he actually thought it was funny.

lol missed this:



I feel pretty strongly that my position is the correct one, they’re all terrible, lol watching, the end.

There is only one rational position on this; the joke was bad the violence was inexcusable. The end.

No awards for the Jackass movie?

I don’t agree because I think rationally there is some line where violence would be excusable, it’s just a question of where it starts.

Mods, NotBruceZ took over ParlaySlow’s account.


The worst takes I’ve seen are people saying, “See, look at how everyone at the Oscars just continued to sit there and applaud and let the show go on as if nothing happened. Still wonder how we got to this point with Trump?”

Your take is that some joke could warrant violence?

If so, you have a seriously messed up moral compass.

At the risk of some lol thread derail… Let’s suppose you live in a society where we can ignore law enforcement or judicial remedies, because we are just talking about the ethics governing human behavior here.

Suppose someone slapped your wife in front of you in a way that certainly hurt, but was not going to cause any sort of permanent damage. Would you be justified to hit that person in response?

Suppose someone instead said something extremely hurtful to your wife about the tragic death of her child in front of you. You can assume that the statement was intended as a very edgy joke, if you believe that’s an important distinction. Would be justified to hit that person in response?

So I would contend that it’s probably not rational for someone to answer yes to one of these and no to the other. Both actions cause the same type of trauma and emotional pain. People endure stimulation of physical pain receptors all the time without any lasting consequence, because it’s all dependent on the context of that pain. I don’t think that most people are hardline pacifists and believe it is never ok to inflict pain on someone if done to you first. Perhaps you are such a one.

Clearly I have chosen extreme examples, but that’s simply to demonstrate that there is some line. Does the line start at making light of your wife’s chronic health condition on international television? I don’t know, but I’m not sure it’s “right/wrong the end” situation.

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and away we go!

How old is Chris Rock? Good on him for taking one and not even being phased.


What’s getting lost in the conversation is how great both of these guys look in their early 50s. I suppose there’s some plastic surgery involved.

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I know this is going to be a controversial take since everyone is required to pick a side in any situation and defend it to the death, but maybe just maybe there is blame to be shared by both parties.


Rock is 57. Amazing

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Hey guys check out this amazing new life hack, it’s called being rich as fuck. Don’t let the secret out!


Black don’t crack