Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

That’s not a reaction, that’s just her resting face after all the plastic surgeries.

Please don’t slap me.

lol Will Smith. Laughing about it at first on camera and then when he realised his wife was mad about it, hitting someone to try to act like a tough guy. Doesn’t get a lot more beta than that. Beclowned himself on what should have been his night of nights as well.


He should have said, “For someone who played Muhammad Ali, I would have thought you’d be able to hit harder than that.”

Or… “Wow, if you can’t hit any harder than that, some other dude’s going to have to play GI Joe.”


Not savage enough. Gotta call the nukes there if you’re gonna do it, and if you watch the Jomboy analysis, he definitely thinks about going for it after the “get my wife’s name out of your fuckin’ mouth!” but shows amazing restraint and backs off. I imagine he was gonna tag the wife in someone’s mouth part since that’s an open (not even) secret that probably everyone in the room has crazy deetz on. Pretty sure that’s what he meant by “that’s a nice one.” And that would have been a chessmate because, like, what’s Fresh Prince gonna do? He either has to sit and get cucked by the Mother of All Roasts after puffing his chest, or he has to escalate the violence which is even worse and probably an instant career ender.


Chris Rock’s entire career has been based on making tasteless jokes. This was the line?

It’s a pretty tame joke really. No one would even remember it if not for Will losing his mind. The joke probably wasn’t even written by Chris.

Here’s his rambly acceptance speech. Will Smith wants to be a vessel for love.

Will himself was laughing at it, until he realized he shouldn’t have been.

Also not hard to imagine Will Smith having seen his wife crying many times and struggling with her condition. Then he sees how she is mocked in front of millions and decides he‘s not having that.

I’m still glad I didn’t watch the Oscars.

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Ditto. Sounds like it was the expected garbage pile it is every single year.

Guess Will Smith has to move to Bel Air now, right? Right? Get it?


You think his mom got scared?

Philly area rep

Any analysis of this is incomplete without centering the fact that Will Smith was laughing uproariously at the joke.

This wasn’t, ‘guy makes inappropriate joke about your wife so you slap him’. It’s ‘guy makes inappropriate joke about your life which you laugh at, and then your wife is like wtf, so you have to take it to another level to correct your own reaction’.

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How much money do you think that slap is worth to Chris Rock (in terms of material, extra publicity, premium for his next special, etc.)? 8 figures doesn’t seem out of the question.

We’re lucky Chris Rock remained calm and didn’t retaliate. If there had been a brawl between two black men on stage at the Oscars we’d never hear the end of it about bLaCk CuLtUrE.