Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Oscars are dumb,


The BBC America counterprogramming for tonight’s Oscars:


Alopecia isn’t an autoimmune disorder. That’s alopecia areata. Also, it’s some pretty disingenuous pearl-clutching to frame it this way.

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What charges would someone non famous face for what Will Smith did?

Depends whether they slapped Chris Rock or some rando

Les kid

This remake was dreadful and the main lead was a black hole of charisma

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Could be some level of felony assault. Depends on the jurisdiction. Guy broke my jaw through both sides with one slap, so that certainly impacted it.

Joe Rogan going to get crushed!

Would need to be significant injury or some other aggravating factor to be a felony. Most of the time it’s a misdemeanor where very few first time offenders get jail time.

No one even noticed Smith won Best Actor 15 minutes later.


Can we get a full story on this?

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Chris Rock: “What’s the difference between three dicks and a joke?”

would have been all-time savage moment. He thought about it.


I mean yeah the joke was in bad taste, but bad taste zingers are pretty par for the course at the oscars. Was the joke over the line because of her condition? But what line? There are no actual Joke Police. Sure if I knew all the facts then I prob wouldn’t make that joke in that spot, but who cares because even if the joke was ten times worse, the end of all analysis is that you don’t get to walk up to people and sucker slap them.

So for me the slap is indefensible. In the fullest context it might be 5% understandable, but it’s always indefensible. And what if security had then come in and literally escorted Will Smith out of the building during his acceptance speech? That would have been awesome! And totally fair game. Now, ofc they’re never ever doing that because the optics of the fresh prince getting perp walked are not great bob, and he’s helped make a lot of folks there a dragon’s treasure, so it’s just too big of a call to make in the immediate afterclap, booting him from the ceremony would overshadow everything at the oscars this year and potentially years to come. So they’re just always just gonna let it play out. Heck they even decided to let Will Smith ramble during his acceptance speech, probably hoping he’d rise to the moment and start defusing things. But then haha what they got was a leaky overwrought acceptance speech where he basically called himself a vessel of god or something, a vessel that was filled by the cosmos with love and respect and bitchslaps. So for me Will Smith is the unequivocal weirdo here, but at the same time I’m having a hard time just roasting him to oblivion because to me it seemed like he was coming unglued in a way that went well beyond the moment.

And also, idk the details of Will’s and Jada’s unconventional marriage, and if it’s legal then people should have the space to have whatever marriage they want, but didn’t it come out that their relationship included jada banging other dudes including her son’s twentysomething friend and some other singer and potentially 3/4ths of clovis’s erotic hockey team? I think it was an open relationship? but the armchair psychology buzz was that Jada was steamrolling him. So sure, not hard to imagine Will Smith’s lizard brain primed to overreact at perceived slights to his masculinity, especially when these feelings combine with the adrenaline of being ten minutes away from one of the peak moments of his life, and then it all swirls together within the howling vacuum of the rest of Will Smith’s brain.

I predict Chris Rock gets some industry/personal pressure to defang this next week by sort of half apologizing / half handwaving it away, but hope I’m wrong and that somehow WS gets censured or rebuked and ultimately baniSHED to a shitty krampus franchise and finally getting pummeled by Logan, Jake, or Ru Paul before finally producing his own three-act one-man dinner theater to tell the real story to seven hundred suckers in Fresno


In other Oscar news, Queen of Baketball is on youtube, and it’s pretty great.

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