Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

The ringer has a good article about the issues with deep water, and what goes right. I thought it was pretty spot on.


The 24 Least Erotic Things in the Erotic Thriller ‘Deep Water’ - The Ringer

I just want to see it because that was the name of the local Orange County record store when I was a kid. I don’t even know what it’s about.

I enjoyed In The Heights better than West Side Story (of the two Latino NYC based musicals that came out last year), but maybe because one was an original story and one was Romeo and Juliet, which has never been my favorite Shakespeare, either.

I’m kinda meh on all the nominees this year, tbh.

This is what I mean. I think that LP was an attempt to make a movie that highlights a childhood/period that is relevant and meaningful to Anderson but hardly anybody else.

It’s set 3 years after he was born tho.

and the first Oscar won by a cast member of Hamilton goes to one of the ensemble members

I didn’t realize that they awarded like half a dozen awards before the show started. That seems like bullshit.

Jesus, how fucking big is that dude? She’s probably tiny, but still.

Very surprised that Branagh had no wins before this.

Yeah, I think I knew that, but it still surprised me

LOL the internet trolling the Oscars by having Army of the Dead and Cinderella as top two fan favorites

last time they do that

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Lol Will Smith just cussed out Chris Rock for making a joke about his wife

Thats selling it a little short. He also punched him in his face. That was really, really awkward.

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I couldn’t tell if that was a real punch

At first I thought it wasn’t, but now I’m not so sure.

That was scripted, right?

Now we gotta pretend like ppl give a shit about Godfather III

Seems real.

Yeah I mean if you were really truly pissed, do you really walk up throw a punch that doesn’t connect then sit back down

It seems too ridiculous to not be scripted, but the awkwardness seemed very real. Good actors maybe.

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I’m voting unscripted, the emotion seemed too raw and sloppy and also KEEP MY WIFE’S NAME OUT YA FUCKIN MOUTH is just not the kind of scripted line somebody screams twice at a black tie event watched by millions of people that’s supposed to be an annual tribute to hollywood grace and glamour. Holy moly what a weirdo, that’s a career-changer right there; epic fame and fortune sure can do weird things to people. Maybe we’ll find out some backstory that will make it somehow seem less unhinged but man