Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Big Christopher Lee energy from my man Nic Cage. I love that Cage is now officially a canonical Universal horror actor alongside Lugosi and Karloff.

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I collected 70s dracula comics in the 90s when I was a youngin and I always thought Thomas Jane would make a good dracula. Maybe Russel Crowe.

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Rewatching Mandy for like the fifth time. Just the most uncompromising film Iā€™ve ever seen. Iā€™m still not entirely sure if itā€™s a real movie or if I just imagined it.

Plus, Mandy kicked off the Nic Cage redemption arc.

Iā€™ve only watched Mandy once and I was pretty drunk when I watched it (amazing), but I donā€™t totally remember everything, so Iā€™m pretty excited to watch it again.

RIP Taylor Hawkins

I donā€™t know why but this oneā€™s hitting me a little hard. Heā€™s only a couple years older than me and FF have been a constant staple of my music consumption for over 20 years.


Even after multiple viewings I find myself surprised at what happens in the film. Did I just see Nic Cage forge his own Batā€™leh?

In related news, Cosmatos is working on a new move with A24, I could not be more hyped for it.

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X was insanely unique, smart, and creative. It could have been super campy based on the story but they nailed it. As Beetlejuice would sayā€¦.5 bags of popcorn.

Iā€™ve also never felt so uncomfortable during 1 scene before.


No deep message, no point to the movie except that itā€™s a fun action flick that is every middle-aged guyā€™s fantasy of kicking ass. And lots of fun to see Bob Odenkirk doing it. Thumbs up!


Deep Water


Hollywood needs to do more erotic thrillers, but this ainā€™t it. De Armas and Affleck both do an OK job, but the story yo-yos so much thatā€™s not really believable.


The yo yo-ing part is that Affleck spends a good portion of the movie looking absolutely miserable. I know thatā€™s part of the story but he doesnā€™t look uncomfortable or semi ok but not really like someone in his situation would be but looking like heā€™s absolutely 100% divorce ready miserable.

De Armas for her part is the least discrete that someone would be in that situation and for some reason, after openly accusing her husband of killering her lover, and privately admitting that she suspects heā€™s killing them because of her, brings another ex over immediately. It was so odd that I was asking myself, wait is she in on this and tactfully bringing exs over to have them killed because she gets off on it? But no itā€™s revealed she didnā€™t know at all, until the very end

Mandy 2/4

You are a vicious snowflake!

Nice score and cinematography, final third meh.

Pig 2,5/4

You donā€™t even see yourself. We donā€™t get a lot of things to really care about.

I think Cage would still be capable of so much more. Weak sides. The restaurant scene is marvellous.

Boiling Point 3,5/4

Reviewing is like sex: You go by whatā€™s in there, not by whatā€™s not there.

Never thought a movie about a night in a restaurant could be this exhausting. This is the movie Locke tried to be. Stephen Graham is a fucking beast.

Finished watching all of the Best Picture nominees.

Belfast and Nightmare Alley were my two favorites, but it looks like the winner is going to be either CODA or Power of the Dog. I donā€™t really have any strong opinion either way. Both were good movies, but donā€™t really seem Best Picture worthy. Either would be better than many of the recent winners though.

The only two Iā€™d say were bad were Licorice Pizza and King Richard. Donā€™t Look Up comes close, but Iā€™d classify it more as disappointingly average than ā€œbadā€.

Definitely a below average year, and far below last yearā€™s amazing lineup.

Will probably at least passively watch the ceremony tonight.

I agree with everyone saying that this was a weak year. I havenā€™t seen Belfast or Dune yet.

I donā€™t get the hype for The Power of the Dog. The plot moves like molasses. So much so that at one point during the movie I started to pay attention how long nothing actually happens: slow camera pan over a mountain range, a man strolls across a ranch, he enters a barn, another man lights a cigarette etc. Anyone who has seen The Piano knows what I am talking about when it comes to Campionā€™s pacing. Some might say this is a subtle character study but Kodi Smith-McPheeā€™s characterā€™s motivations arenā€™t even properly explained because that part of the novel was left out.

Maybe I just donā€™t have the patience for movies anymore.
Drive My Car is good but did it really have to be 3h. The opening credits donā€™t even start until 40+ minutes into the movie. By this time they have already told a full story but that was just the setup. I didnā€™t need an additional 2h 15h of main character understands his own feelings and situation through getting to know another character. This was a short story for godā€™s sake. Itā€™s well done and feels like a play because itā€™s almost exclusively dialogue with very little action. I wonder though if this gets nominated if it isnā€™t about actors and directors.

West Side Story was unlikely to impress me because I only ever watch musicals when they are nominated for an Oscar (Lalaland is good, Moulin Rouge is okay, Chicago is meh). The songs feel dated, choreographed tickle fights just look ridiculous to me and every scene seems to go on way too long (Exhibit A: struggle for the gun). This is a Spielberg vanity project/exercise in technical film making.

Licorice Pizza is just a series of loosely connected vignettes. Why the main characters are attracted to one another is never made clear. If you remove the setting of 70ā€™s San Fernando Valley nothing is left.

Nightmare Alley is another example of style over substance. Itā€™s not boring but I didnā€™t care for any of the characters or what happens to them.

King Richard is a decent sports/underdog movie with a good cast. Will Smith does a good job though they probably took some liberties with the Richard Williams character. Of course, itā€™s no mystery if the Williams sisters will become stars but itā€™s still an interesting and entertaining watch.

My favorite is CODA. An interesting premise that does not go overboard and is well executed with a great cast to boot. This is the only nominee that I care to watch again (Maybe ā€œDrive my Carā€ after enough time has passed).

I think we could see another best movie (CODA) / best director (Power of the Dog) split.

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West Side Story was enjoyable, but unnecessary, and shouldnā€™t be getting a nomination for Best Picture.

Thereā€™s already a West Side Story movie, and it won 10 Oscars. Itā€™s one thing to pull a CODA and remake a French film that very few Americans saw. Itā€™s another to redo a classic like that.

Spielbergā€™s is better in every single way imo. Maybe it is a vanity project and sure it doesnā€™t solve every problem in the source material but I am struggling to think of a better movie musical ever.

@LouisCyphre the music is dated like Mozart is dated ā€“ tā€™s in a style that is no longer contemporary popular music. Doesnā€™t mean itā€™s less great. If thatā€™s not your thing fine but to say lalaland was good and WSS is dated in the same paragraph seems bonkers to me.

I never saw it but that movie did seem to be massively hyped then die pretty quickly.

It seems like Anderson, a very fine film maker, made one of those ā€œthe setting is the main characterā€ movies based on where he grew up, but no one actually gives a shit about 1970s San Fernando Valley.

We did when it was Boogie Nights. And some did when it was Magnolia (which I hated).

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But those movies had more than the setting.

I think they both were set pretty much in the valley. Magnolia is a major street in the valley. But the valley wasnā€™t a character.