Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Ok so American Underdog got me while on my transatlantic flight. I’m not crying, you’re crying.

Decided to watch The Batman tonight instead of anything else that might have been on (were quite a few people at the theater…). Yeah really liked it. Might have been 3 hours, but felt shorter than the first hour of The Power of the Dog

For some weird reason I bought Goodfellas on Amazon Prime like 6 years ago. Guess that movie isn’t available? But the remastered version is available for rent or buy. Funny how “buying” something online turns into not actually owning something.

I blame you cord-cutters for this. If we just stuck to goddam DVR and BlueRay none of this would happen. The internet was a mistake.

Fuck it, I’m paying for Hunt for Red October instead. That’ll show em!

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Watching Soylent Green for the first time. No spoilers!

(j/k obv I know the big one)

NYC 2022 - 40 million people. What a dystopian nightmare! NYC only has 30M people.

(posted earlier in wrong thread)

Soylent Green kind of loses it’s magic if you know it’s people all the time imo.

It’s on HBO max. Or was.

Yeah that’s the point. I bought the damn movie and now I have to buy some other crap that I don’t want just to watch it.

Some corporate asshole figured out that if they could re-master Goodfellas, then they could screw everyone who bought the original.

It’s like when the drug companies keep changing the formula so they can extend their patents.

Also cord-cutting is like how Uber was cheaper for a while, then it wasn’t. And rewind/fast-forward still sucks ass compared to DVR.

/old man rant

Thanks a lot, a*******


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For a while it looked like best picture Oscar was between The Power of the Dog and Belfast. Now it is between The Power of the Dog and CODA. CODA was like +2000 a month ago, but now about even with The Power of the Dog after winning the Producers Guild Awards.

Netflix has been trying to win the best picture for a while now. Would be kind of lol if Apple TV+ beat them for first streaming service to have best picture.


CODA was fine. Doesn’t really seem worthy of Best Picture, but it seems like pretty weak year as far as BP nominees go. There are about a half dozen films that crush everything I’ve seen so far.

Netflix was straight up robbed in 2019.

Watching Stalag 17 on HDNET Movies. Still awesome.

The two genres I am exhausted with are a) movies/shows about making movies/shows and b) superheroes but they’re bad.

These are such Oscar bait that you will never see the end of them. Making movies or shows is the most important thing in the world, at least according to people who make movies and shows, and so they’ll always want to celebrate that.

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I’m going to see X this weekend. Wife hates horror movies so that’s nice. A24 films have been really good for awhile.

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I think that looks fucking awesome

Seconded. Please let us know how it is, Tilted.

Will do!

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I haven’t heard a single person who saw X say they didn’t like it quite a bit and it’s quite a few people.

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