Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Great ending.

That movie got zero Oscar nominations. Absolutely criminal.

Oscars are for people that make movies about making movies, duh.

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New Batman looks incredible, Iā€™m very hyped to see it.

My attention span definitely canā€™t deal with 3 hr movies in the theatre anymore. Iā€™ll probably watch this in a year at home, and watch one hour per night for three nights.

Length is still mostly about pacing. There are 90 minute movies that absolutely drag, while the recent Spiderman was delightful for the entire 2hr40 or so.

They could all obviously trim a bit, but I think I prefer keeping more in there in the end.

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Oh god, Iā€™d forgotten itā€™s a 3hr affair, def going to have to watch this at home.

It has a Fincher-esque tone for sure.

Iā€™d say itā€™s too long but doesnā€™t drag too badly. There is some extra crap in it that is there only because it had to service the comic book junk. Those parts are by far the worst of the film. Itā€™s best when it basically ignores all the comic book stuff.

It has two pretty amazing visual scenes that Iā€™ve never seen before. Worth it for those two alone.

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Yeah, the last act isnā€™t amazing but I imagine the studio forced it. Until that man this is a dark/grim movie. I absolutely loved it for that, Zodiac is one of my favorite films. But Zodiac bombed and having that/se7en as your inspirations for your $200 million movie are insane.

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Ya itā€™s pretty crazy they let him make a movie like this. Itā€™s sort of anti everything that has made superhero movies popular.


Oh man, Welcome II the Terrordome is something else. Itā€™s like a feature-length Public Enemy music video. If you grew up watching classic hip-hop on MTV, this is a must-see. Super low budget but brilliantly executed.

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RIP William Hurt.

Altered States and Kiss of the Spider Woman are my favourites of his - each well worth a watch if you havenā€™t seem them.

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Kimi is Soderbergs new film. Itā€™s on hbo. Itā€™s slight but a fun triller. Worth the hour and 20 min.

Agreed on all points. I donā€™t think I got anything out of the play rehearsal scenes; I must be missing something. Every scene in the car was good.

@clovis8 Have you seen this yet? This seems like your kind of movie.

Thanks for the tip, I saw this title pop up in my feed on Crave (where all my HBO content streams) but I didnā€™t realize it was a Soderberg film. I like his movies. The Informant! is one of my favorite ā€œunder the radarā€ movies.

Yes I saw it a while ago. Guess I didnā€™t post here. I loved it. Top 5 of the year for sure. I like the art about making art genre.

Loved Kimi.

Major shades of Rear Window.


Fresh (2022)


A good solid B movie. Daisy Edgar-Jones and Sebastian Shaw both do good jobs acting and the direction off having a through line of on close ups of food and people eating pays off later.

Nothing amazing or anything that elevates it beyond the normal