Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Dang, I have to sign up for HBO again just to see this thing? Oh well.

This was a great short story. Heā€™s a great writer.

Wait and time it with Barry S3. Time to sign up for 1-2 months and binge away.

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Edit: I canā€™t post in right threads

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I watched this one recently and thought I remembered it had been recommended here some time ago.

I indeed enjoyed it (a lot), so a delayed thanks for the recommendation. I absolutely loved the whole visual aspect. All sorts of 80s style flashy colors in artificial lights is the perfect antidote to todayā€™s boring monochrome and exactly what I want to see. I donā€™t know if Iā€™d call it a masterpiece at the level of Coppolaā€™s 70s works as it has some flaws, but it might be the best looking film ever made, wow.

Iā€™d like to live in the alternate reality where this film and ā€œheavenā€™s gateā€ were commercial hitsā€¦

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The Flop House is going to do a live episode reviewing the '87 He-Man movie, so I thought Iā€™d give it a watch. Man, thereā€™s a scene that completely melted my brain in which famed stage actor Frank Langella breaks the fourth wall, looks right at the audience, and delivers maybe the most batshit crazy monologue Iā€™ve ever seen. One of the joys of watching crappy movies is seeing these rare moments when a quality actor just has an absolute blast playing a ridiculous role. I read that Langella took the part because his kids were fans of the He-Man toys.


Saw Encanto today. Big old meh. Thought the ending was super lame and I felt like they rushed numerous parts of the story

Iā€™m completely spellbound by Rockers on the Criterion Channelā€™s new reggae collection. It starts off being a homage to Bicycle Thieves but then it veers off into being a noir heist movie with a chill reggae groove. Direction and cinematography are top-notch. Itā€™s just gorgeous, Iā€™ve watched it twice now.

Hereā€™s the first three minutes, if youā€™re intrigued, this is the movie for you:

So how did the movie Sh*thouse get that title? Itā€™s a completely different movie than the name implies.

I liked it, did not love it. 6.5/10

He was too much of a whiny bitch for her to end up with him, unless it really took him 2.5 years to get back out of the friend zone.

Finally have a chance to see Drive My Car. I took a while to grow on me, but the movie is gorgeous and wonderful and very quiet. I think I liked Asako I & II better, but still this is very good.

I know one or two of you guys like old-timey noir stuff, Murder at the Vanities is a real gem. Pre-code 1930ā€™s murder mystery with marijuana and Duke Ellington and outstanding performances from everyone.Very competent cozy mystery and also an interesting historical artifact.


Totally forgot this is on HBO now. Iā€™ll have to check it out soon.

The Batman is visually stunning, way too long but a decent neo-noir that really didnā€™t need the Batman mythos.

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It had to be like +10000 that Clovis would be the first person here posting about the newest superhero film, and liking it.


Lol yep I only went because of Matt Reeves. It actually has almost no ā€œsuperheroā€ to it which explains my not hating it.

He just has a big crush on Pattinson because of how much he loves the Twilight books and movies.


Iā€™ve never seen a twilight movie. :grin:


Last night we watched a terrific film thatā€™s a couple of years old but I think just started streaming in Canada on Netflix.


Huh. I remember hearing this story on This American Life, but didnā€™t know it was a movie.

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Batman is a blank slate, get a good director and it will be a good movie.
Nolan just did an homage to Heat which was great.
People have said this has se7en vibes, which Iā€™m all for as a huge Fincher fan.