Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Brahms criminally underrated as always.


Personally, Beethoven > Bach > Brahms > Mozart. Love Mozart’s Requiem, but most of his stuff in major keys is just a little too saccharine for me.

I’ve changed my mind about the biggest WTF on that chart though. It’s motherfucking Grieg, who has ONE motherfucking song. It’s a good song, mind you, but it’s just fucking one, and the only holiday it can lay claim to is much more minor than how the Messiah can claim Christmas.


where are the russians on that list? tchaikovsky > shostakovich > prokofiev >> grieg


If you were wondering about the Darmstadt School of composers:
Karlheinz Stockhausen: 14.9K monthly listeners
Luigi Nono: 2.9K
Bruno Maderna: 1.7K

Hasn’t Mozart put out about 250 hours of music though, compared to Bach’s 175? So you can’t say Bach was more prolific.

I will listen to Mozart’s Requiem wherever I can find it. Recently listened to it on New Year’s Eve in Paris’ Madeleine Church, which was sublime. But on the whole, I prefer Bach.

Probably from me. I think I’ve streamed like 20 different versions of Clair De Lune a ton of times :slight_smile:

Also Chopin Nocturnes.

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Maybe it’s a question of volume. Bach had hundreds of cantatas alone.

Might also be a question of format. Whose going to listen to complete operas on Spotify?

Bach recycled a ton of his ideas, I think most of the baroque/classical guys reused stuff quite often.

Listen to these nerds.

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Yeah, I looked him up and it was 300K and change. I figured a ton had to be from his efforts as conductor and I wasn’t sure how to disaggregate.

i could listen to revolutionary etude on repeat to knock the germans down a peg

RIP to a legend.


Just got back from Jackass Forever, it is definitely…a movie.

Wait, it is? Id imagine its much less a movie than not

Actually that’s not true. Hans Zimmer is #1 and John Williams like 6th.

I just want to say that Han Zimmer’s Dune score is fucking fire

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Zach Levy Kurt Warner biopic (american underdog): actually not bad! I skipped every non football scene i.e. him and his wife and probably lots of jebus? Solid 30 minutes, nothing new of course but AA school → 2 days at packers tryouts → grocery store stocker → arena football season → rams was pretty fun in the usual sports hero movie ways. Well directed. Liked the way it was spliced with real footage.

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