Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Lol apparently every scene I skipped was about jebus

After being overwhelmed with Sterling Haydenā€™s tough-guy performance in The Killing, I put on Asphalt Jungle, a classic noir heist film that Iā€™ve somehow overlooked. Itā€™s a real meat-and-potatoes affair: assemble your crew, have your boxman open the safe, woah thereā€™s a double-cross, and so on. I started watching this for Sterling Hayden, but Louis Calhern absolutely kills it as the lovable con artist whoā€™s in way too deep over his head. Itā€™s the same energy Adam Sandler brought to Uncut Gems. Also, a young Marlyin Monroe shows up 3/4ths of the way through. Holy hell this is a must-watch for classic noir fans.

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This was pretty good. Learned a few things I didnā€™t know. Itā€™s funny how much of Ws screen time is him trying to convince us he was in charge and not Cheney.

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There was a conversation about Bruce Willis and the number of movies heā€™s now making and his mental state ā€¦ was this in the Britney thread? search sucks ā€¦ but he now has his own category in this years Razzies.

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Ha. My favorite development the last 15 years is Liam Neeson making the same movie over and over and they are all at least watchable. Some (Taken, the Gray) are damn good.

Oscar nominations up. Only seen 3/10 of the BP nominees, so would probably be up for a watch party if these are/become available on streaming sites.

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Never even heard of ā€œThe Power of the Dogā€

I love an old timey western but good lord it is slowwwwwwwww. I didnā€™t make it through it, maybe will try again.

Itā€™s a Netflix movie, so high probability for a watch party imo.

Iā€™ve at least heard of all of the big nominees.

I guess the highest profile movie Iā€™ve never heard of is ā€œFleeā€. It got nominated for Animated Feature, International Feature, and Documentary Feature. That has to be the weirdest combination of nomination categories in Oscar history.

The Power of the Dog has A+ acting, cinematography, and music, and intriguing characters, which IMO is enough to make it worth a watch.

I have some issues though, which I canā€™t get into without massive spoilers:

So yeah the movie is very slow moving and you gruadually move into a sort of Brokeback Mountainish plot. But since Brokeback Mountain is just already a well known movie, youā€™re wondering where this going if thereā€™s a unique statement to be made here. So then the ending comes, and it turns out the movie is decidedly not Brokeback Mountain, but that turn was so blatant it came across as a gimmicky gotcha! to me. Just felt like an oscar-calibur movie with a B-movie ending.


0/10 for me.

Fucking West Side Story?! Is there like some kind of rule that the Academy absolutely has to nominate every major musical production?

Pretty sure this is the only scene you need to see from Dune to understand the hype.


Dune is going to rack up the technical awards. Like Iā€™d be slightly shocked if Dune doesnā€™t win the most Oscars. But it has no chance at any big awards and I really liked the film.

Best Pic odds have it as

Power of Dog -155
Belfast +175
West Side Story +600 (yeah West Side Story already won best picture, even without seeing it they arenā€™t going to give another West Wide Story best picture, I donā€™t care how good the redux is)
Dune +1600
Licorice Pizza +1600

Iā€™ll watch at least Power of the Dog and Belfast before the Oscars

Close, but more accurate is Spielberg gets nominated if there is any excuse

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Back to a prior topic, this video popped up in my YouTube feed. Itā€™s about the shitty Bruce Willis movies of the last couple years and how these things get made. One of the people featured is Randall Emmet, who produces this crap and has gotten lots of airtime in recent WSOP broadcasts as the clown at the table.

The video starts after the stupid-ass 8-minute beginning portion. Donā€™t bother rewinding.


Oh thatā€™s the guy from Vanderpump Rules, didnā€™t know he was a poker star and Bruce Willis extortionist

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If what @LFS said is true, then Willis has severe early onset dementia and doesnā€™t know where he is half the time. Itā€™s kind of crazy that hasnā€™t leaked out to the tabloids.

Iā€™ll stan for most of RLM content going back nearly ten years. I get their schtick very much isnā€™t for everyone though.

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