Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

The Criterion Channel had a double feature recommendation that I love so much: Le Samourai paired with Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai. It’s very silly, but also it works? I love the running theme of men living by an ancient warrior code that is hopelessly at odds with the times they live in. Ghost Dog is obviously a bit more silly and Le Samourai has French ennui; both left me with something to think about.

I’m guessing it was not in their catalog, but you could add John woo’s “the killer” to make it a triple feature !

Goddamn, the Lee Scratch Perry biopic on The Criterion Channel is extremely powerful karmic energy, I can almost not even.

Because I still haven’t been able to see Drive My Car, I watched one of Ryusuke Hamaguchi’s earlier movies: Asako I & II. Holy Hell, this is a legit masterpiece, why is no one talking about this movie?

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+1 on Asako being great. It seems to be slightly less considered than the other Hamaguchi movies I’ve seen (“Drive my car” and “Happy hour”) but is the only one I feel like I could rewatch today and enjoy it (well, maybe because it is only 2hrs instead of 3 and 5 respectively lol).

I saw the 5-hour one and I was like fuck that. He’s a very good director but ain’t no one got time for that.

Watch it 1 hour at a time over a week, like a TV show?

Yeah for the French release they divided it into 5 “episodes”, I watched it in at least that many evenings, it didn’t hurt my enjoyment.

Oh joy, it’s a twofer yelling about CGI and modern architecture at the same time. I have never heard these well informed and wildly original criticisms of contemporary architecture before. Very compelling!


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I encountered this phenomenon myself recently at a retail store, where the youngster at the cash register was singing along with Sting on “Message in a Bottle” (a hit from 1979) as it blasted on the radio. A few days earlier, I had a similar experience at a local diner, where the entire staff was under 30 but every song was more than 40 years old. I asked my server: “Why are you playing this old music?” She looked at me in surprise before answering: “Oh, I like these songs.”

… but I’ve got a whole Atlantic article to write on this god damn it - and write it I will!

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CGI is mostly fine, the digital color filtering that ~every major movie uses nowadays is ruining movies.

Do you really believe that people simply decide what they like all by themselves and that’s the end of the story? It’s all cerulean blue.


Criterion celebrating Black History Month by giving us a bunch of reggae movies is some serious king shit.

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Cool Runnings?

You can celebrate black history by rewatching Roots (zzzz) or working with community groups (zzzz) or you can hear about how Lee Scratch Perry learned about music from vibrations in the Earth.

Am I the only one surprised by Bach at #1? I’d have bet the farm on Beethoven or Mozart.

I am not. Bach was much more prolific. I am much more surprised about Chopin and Debussey rounding out the top 5 ahead of Handel. I would have thought prolific Messiah streaming every December would be enough to get Handel up there.

Maybe but those two were better, imo.