Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

At home I don’t mind, I’ll watch it over 3 days 50 min per day.

Dark Knight weighed in at 2:32.

Dark Knight was too damn long.



I’ll never understand complaints about movies (or books) being too long. If I’m enjoying it why would I want it to end? If I’m not enjoying it I can simply stop watching it.

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I watch 10-hour movies all the time, if you consider TV series bingeing habits. 3 hours seems doable.

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They generally become less enjoyable when they drag on for too long.

Then stop watching if that happens. It’s not like you can’t guess how a superhero movie ends.

Then I’d miss the stinger for the next 3-hour Batman movie.

I’m at the age where I can’t get through a movie without having to piss, even if I take like one sip of my drink. Fortunately, I’m pretty good at picking my spots.

Jesus christ if there’s a broken pearl necklace clattering on the alleyway in slow motion scene fuck all of my lives


I laughed the loudest I ever have in theatres when Batman v Superman started with this.

Basically as others have said, idc how long it is if it’s good. If it sucks who cares if it’s 90 min or 180.

Endgame was 3 hours long, and Spider-Man: All the Spider-Men was pretty long too

Both made a ton of money

Then there’s Justice League

If they were giving out $500 at the door they couldn’t get me to sit through this.

Did you watch the new planet of the apes films? Reeves is a good action director. I know you hate superhero stuff, but he’s going for a se7en kind of vibe here just like how TDK was trying to be Heat.

I have a visceral hatred for anything superhero. I just can’t bring myself to care about them at all. I think they are not only boring as hell but actively destructive to film as an art form.

I saw one of the planet of apes. It was decent.

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Get the runpee app. Spring for the infinity coin. Thank me later.

Old planet of the apes are the bomb. So bad they are good.

I enjoyed the ape Lincoln ending but the rest of marky mark movie sucked.

The latest reboot was very good.

What’s the story of more? Continuing the most recent reboot or something new?

I used it a long time ago when it first came out. I decided I can’t really keep track of the time with my phone while I’m in a movie. Not about to pull out my bright-ass phone in a dark theater multiple times to see when it’s time to go.

Not sure why he is compelled to try to top the cinematic masterpiece that is UHF.


they would have made exactly the same amount if they were 110 minutes, and would have cost less. it’s like these hollywood liberals don’t even capitalism.

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