Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Am I supposed to know some sort of Venom backstory, or am I supposed to be satisfied with “bad black stuff came from the sky”? But as you say, that was far from the only problem, really nothing makes sense. And at some point I checked the time and was astonished to see there were 40 minutes left, this was a long movie that felt much longer.

My knowledge is mostly from the 90s cartoon/this movie, I think the original origin is that J Jonahs son went to space, then this symbiote got aboard the shuttle and came with them back to earth. Not sure if thats 100% the comic book origin but it’s probably close. In the venom movies I think they say they’re a super old hive mind from another galaxy?

It’s mostly Spiderman looked cool with a black suit and the drawings for Venom looked super cool in the 90s so they filled backstory from there.

Don’t Look Up


It doesn’t quite pull off what it’s trying to do. The director has obvious skill but a satire about the frivolousness of mass media and the mendacity of politicians is a hard to thread without going overboard. The general who charged them for snacks ws a good running joke though

I kinda liked Spidey 3

In the comics there is a series where all the heroes and villains get abducted by an alien and dumped on a Mysterious Planet. A bunch of stuff happens, and one thing is that Spiderman finds the Venom alien thing.

Wtf is going on in this thread?

Haven’t seen Don’t Look Up or Power of the Dog Yet. Thought Unforgivable was OK, but it could easily have been a Lifetime movie if you take away the all star cast.

Spidercrab’s wife’s question reminds me of a dream I had last night. I was playing some game like Family Feud and the question was to name celebrities known for having big dicks. I knew there was a comedian that fit the bill from before my time. In my dream I was thinking, George Burns, but I knew that wasn’t right. Just now remembered it was Milton Berle that I was trying to think of.

Watched “Dont look up” and think its a movie you watch once and never again. Had to fastforward some scenes. I agree with the sentiment that people feel this is a mirror of how we handle the climate crisis. Which makes me mad. I’m a climate scientist. Don’t Look Up captures the madness I see every day | Peter Kalmus | The Guardian
I am just glad that this wasnt one of my choices during christmas. Some of the first comments about the film made me hesitant. So we watched “Nobody” instead.


i thought (like everyone else) that Don’t Look Up had potential, but it fizzled out in act 3 much like Mars Attacks, and a few other forgettable ones.

like, people are not so much afraid of teen killers or aliens anymore, so the Scary-Movie-comedy genre has moved on to comet extinctions. it would be more poignant if they chose climate or pandemic crisis as the backdrop.

although i did appreciate some things, like jlaw’s character is awesome.

Dont Look Up feels a lot like Idiotocracy in that it’s funny and entertaining but the satire isn’t as cutting as people seem to think.

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Strictly as a satire, Idiocracy > Don’t Look Up. It was more fun too, probably because it took itself much less seriously.

Don’t Look Up wasn’t bad, but a cast with 5 Oscar winners and a screenplay by an Oscar winner should have been much better.


Whats weird about don’t look up is it feels way too on the nose, cheesy, and unrealistic as fuck. Even though logically I know it’s pretty close to the truth.

I mean I don’t think rich dudes would gamble on the end of the planet to mine it, that part was silly. But most of the rest, and that Republicans would deny it if it was politically harmful to them and their supporters would be on board.

Only unrealistic part with that is they would come up with some bullshit about the comet missing or not actually a comet so when they saw it they wouldn’t turn and be like you lied. They would be calling it fake as they were cooked from the heat of the comet entering the atmosphere or however they would die.

I don’t think you can capture how insane the Republican party and its supporters are these days without it feeling ridiculous, cheesy, and kinda lame.

Just saw Spider-Man. How the fuck is Spider-Ham not in a movie about the multiverse? Not even a cameo or joke that I could tell.

Have you seen Into The Spiderverse?

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How was Nobody? Ive been waiting 8 months for it to hit free streaming

Definitely need to see Into the Spiderverse. Not only will you get what you’re looking for, it’s also an incredible movie. Easily the best I saw the year it came out and probably one of the best I’ve ever seen. If it was technically part of the MCU, it would be #1 of the bunch.


Im generally not an MCU fan, but Spiderverse absolutely blew my socks off in the theater. The art style suffers bit on home video, but its still really good.

Apparently I wasn’t clear enough. Because I saw the spider-verse I had expectations for the Spider-Man multiverse.


I think if you had the characters from spiderverse in this one it would have seemed too redundant. Also no real way to do a live action spider Ham or have those characters without losing some of the good interactions in the movie.