Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I was hoping for a picture or joke mostly. Some sly reference not a real character.

tbh I thought the cartoon/joke characters were the worst part of spiderverse

I liked the tech bro part of the story. It’s not necessarily the most realistic when it comes to an asteroid destroying the planet, but tech bro hubris which ultimately is harmful seems like a richer vein to mine than mass media is vapid and politicians are venal.

Also JLaw > DiCapro

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Never did I ever expect such serious discussion from my post on the subject. Yikes.

I wouldn’t expect any spider verse ppl in live action until they do their 3 animated movies. Next one is out next year, trailer already came out.

Probably get a live action Miles then, but that’s like 2025 at earliest

An after credits scene of J Jonahs infowars type broadcast seeing a half pig half spiderperson would have been funny though.

Yes that would have been a great way to work it in, as some bizarre conspiracy theory.

His character gives off a strong Alex Jones vibe in presentation and voice.

Alex has said “They made me the main villain of a Spider-Man movie” because he is a delusional twat

Only thing that irritated me about no way home was no “jameson is always the same person in every universe” type joke but oh well. Also daredevil’s line after catching the brick should have been “I’m a defense lawyer” =/

In the Spider Man videogame, Jameson is clearly a parody of Bill O’Reiley.

If you like action movies with some brutal scenes it is a good watch. You only need to survive the first 15-20 minutes. :smiley:

I wouldn’t say I liked it, but the tech bro story felt 100% like something Elon Musk would do if he had more influence in the government. His ego and tendency to spin frauds is so deeply ingrained in his personality he wouldn’t even consider that he’s putting the entire world at risk.

“Don’t look up” : not as bad as expected given the bad reviews, the cast does a good job and managed to keep it entertaining enough.

As noted the satire doesn’t really work though. On some points it’s hard to blame them (political satire after Trump is clearly very hard to pull off), but a bunch of stuff about social media was very boomer-ish (the post-credits scene was maybe the worst example).

Also this was a very US centric movie. I guess this is the target audience (despite the movie having a global release on Netflix), but the fact that the rest of the world isn’t mentioned more than 30sec was a bit annoying. I also think the satire would have hit better if they spent more time showing how other countries’ efforts also failed for systemic reasons but in a different way.

The fact that the “scientist good guys” basically end the movie saying a prayer to God is also another very American thing which I found annoying.

I fully expected Adam McKay to end his movie by having “global warming facts” shown over the end credits (like he did at the end of “the other guys” for the financial crisis), so I guess he deserves at least credit for not doing that lol.

That said, with all the things I didn’t like about this movie, the sense of “impending doom” is sadly relatable these days, and I couldn’t help but feel emotionally connected at the ending.

This reminded me of when I watched Lars Von Trier’s “Melancholia” last year which has a similar theme/ending which hit me very strongly. A much better movie, which still has some flaws and I’m not sure I would have liked it in 2011, but works well in 2021. “If the world ends…then that means my son will die too” is a line of dialogue in “Tenet” at which half the theater probably rolled their eyes at, and yet taken seriously this is of course a tragic and moving story, and this is basically the second half of “Melancholia”.


Yeah there’s definitely too many parts like this in the movie that only work in the context of the metaphor but not of the actual story being told, which is lazy writing. Another one was when the scientists insisted on the “peer review process” for the mission, which makes sense for viral or climate research, but it’s not like they would have double blind reviews or whatever for a mission to blow up a comet lol.

Anyway…happy new year !


In Bruges is pretty good , laughed out loud a bunch and the drama was good too


Gleeson is one of those guys that can really bring a movie to life. Another amazing little movie from around the same period of his career is this one:

He is superb as Bill Hodges in Mr Mercedes.

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Movies just need to stop with the digital color filtering, wtf man. Why do we even have color films of every shot is going to be a boring monochromatic mess?

This has to be photoshopped to extend this dude’s forehead.

It’s aim is wider than just conservative politics, imo. There are a few digs at EDems and tech bros. Also, it paints a pretty bleak (and accurate) picture of the media and consumers of media generally.