Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

wow Gossip Girl disrespect right there

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I was thinking of the first guy, but I don’t know his name and I couldn’t find a photo of him

LFS is a ringer though. If he’s can’t get it, this mission is doomed.


They must have pretty good memories for these things (like the opposite of Mrs. Spidercrab).

If you haven’t seen Trading Places, then that scene is fairly unmemorable.

Not thin and not olive, but I think checks all the other boxes


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John Turturro?

That’s a great guess.



If that’s it, it’s pretty crazy that a group who has seen rounders collectively hundreds of times took this long to hit.


So when do we get the reveal that the guy shes thinking of is your doppleganger?

Is turturro a fast talker? What about leguizamo?

All correct reactions

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Leguizamo isn’t tall.

I’ve got to think Turturro talked fast in something.

Just watched it. Liked it way more than I expected. I give it a 7/10. Maybe a little close to the bone.

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[sometimes] supporting role, often a sidekick on the protagonist’s side, not a villain.
[?] tall
[ ] very skinny
[x] big curled hair (not frizzy)
[x] distinctive voice
[x] usually speaks quickly
[x] olive skin
[ ] dorky looking
[ ] not good looking
[x] very possible/likely that we’re talking about someone who was popular in the 1990s/early 2000s.

Just in case she has a weird opinion of good vs dorky looking.

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This seems like an excellent guess

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you guys guessin’ shit?

Or maybe David Neher?

Vince Vaughn?

Trading places is up in the pantheon with caddyshack, blues brothers and stripes. Of course it helps to have seen these in their original release and to have watched each dozens of times (maybe not start to finish but in heavy rotation on tv, easy to catch pieces).

Matrix Resurrections


Already on HBO Max. Not bad but not really good much less from a visionary director. Doesn’t really go in any new direction and has the same problems a Marvel movie does. The fighting doesn’t have a purpose beyond just punching and the third act is a big action set piece that feels like it’s there to be a big action set piece

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