Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Maybe this helps?

2.5 hours for a comedy is fucking insane. A movie really has to earn that run time. Still trying to slog through this last 40 minutes of donā€™t look up.

Oh goddamn you just blew my mind here. Because youā€™re bringing up the ending of Starship Troopers, which is kind of on point except that Starship Troopers is the greatest satire of all time. And that exact scene is what brings it all together. Itā€™s totally vapid, everyone ends up with exactly the wrong person, and the unease is prodding the viewer into a are we the baddies type moment.

Which makes me thinkā€¦is Love, Actually, Actually a satire? Because all the ā€œloveā€ in the movie is like a 12 year old boyā€™s idea of love. Romantic gestures, love at first sight, whatever. Then the Jojen plotline is ACTUALLY about a childā€™s idea of love. A little on the nose, right!!!

I donā€™t think it is a satire, or if it is, itā€™s a failed one. Because a satirical movie needs to work as a regular movie on some level. Like, Starship Troopers is a perfectly cromulent shoot em up sci fi action movie. Dr Strangelove is a perfectly good cold war thriller. Whatever.

Although the fact that itā€™s generally regarded as a classic means that it IS successful on a superficial level. Goddamn it. Do I have to rewatch Love, Actually to figure out if itā€™s a satirical masterpiece?


The script was clearly written for an older man in Grantā€™s role, they cast Grant and were then too lazy to rewrite the script. The script makes clear that the PM is Emma Thompsonā€™s older brother, and Grant is younger than she is.

I really donā€™t think itā€™s a satire butā€¦ it is probably closer to working as that than it is to working as a straightforward movie. The movie plays the line ā€œhey if we canā€™t tell each other the truth at CHRISTMAS, when CAN we tell the truth?ā€ completely straight on multiple occasions, which is likeā€¦ I mean if you just told me that and nothing else about the movie I would be like ā€œlol this movie is 100% trolling youā€.

The Jojen plotline is striking to me as well because its this weedy 11 year old kid and youā€™re like ā€œaww, how is the movie going to let him down gentlyā€ but then it just kind ofā€¦ works? Like the message is ā€œthe most naive possible infatuation is a highway directly to romantic successā€ and this message is repeated in the PM and language barrier plotlines. Meanwhile the message of the Laura Linney plotline is like, are you a damaged person? Do you have incredibly difficult shit going on in your life? BZZZZT sorry you fail, love isnā€™t something that can OVERCOME OBSTACLES lol, fuck off.

So itā€™s amazing that itā€™s not a dark satire. A Verhoeven remake wouldnā€™t need to change very much to make it awesome.

Solid meh. Some really funny parts. Overlong and heavy handed.

RT score seems about right


Hard to respond, because sheā€™s not sure when the movies were from. Insanely specific guess: ā€œMy best guess is the same age as Harold & Kumar when that movie came outā€.

Doesnā€™t look like any of them. [My guess is that theyā€™re too current and sheā€™s thinking about older movies.] Heā€™s not hot. Kind of nerdy.

I know itā€™s not Adam Driver, but curlier hair than Adam Driver? Skinnier than Adam Driver? On a scale of skinniness from Adam Driver to Timothy Chalamet, how skinny are we talking here? On a scale of Adam to Tim, how curly hair are we talking here?

Curlier hair, much less muscly, and not as good looking. (Adam Driver is not that good looking - her words, not mine.) And heā€™s nerdy looking (the guy sheā€™s thinking of).

ā€œI can picture him in a movie. I just donā€™t know that movie. Heā€™s wearing a suit jacket.ā€

Adam Driver is not that good looking but he is hot.

Jesse Eisenberg was my guess, but no.

I think the skin is darker. ā€œAnd heā€™s completely wrong.ā€ [not helpful.]

Too hot, and not curly haired enough, but is this about the right skin tone?


This is the overall look. Hair is not good (not curly enough), but I could see him wearing this. [This is obviously all her words.]

ā€œIā€™m wondering if he doesnā€™t exist and I made him up.ā€


Showed our 7yr old Gremlins today and she fucking ate it up. Picking up on the scores treatment of Xmas songs she, on her own, starts singing ā€œfa la la la laā€¦.Every one will dieā€ even hitting every as 1/8th notes to fit the time signature. I almost died of Joy.

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I almost posted Adrian Grenier but heā€™s not thin enough, not tall, not in any movies, and doesnā€™t really have curly hair. Sheā€™d just say itā€™s that doucebag from Entourage.

Geoffrey Arend?

Penn Badgley isnā€™t tall and is most known for playing a serial murderer on a Netflix show but thatā€™s the best I can come up with.

Unlessā€¦Matthew Rhys? Who only looks tall next to Kerri Russell, but whatever.