Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I’m pretty jealous, there still weren’t any streaming options for me to see it last I checked. I plan on watching in installments, my internet brain can’t handle a 3hr movie in one go.

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The best thing Neo did with his powers, the missile redirect, was spoiled in the trailer. Why???

What was up with the heist in the third act? They did the standard trope of “oh if we do this right they won’t know we’re here”. Then, nothing went wrong , no drama, no tension, they were in and out? Boring

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Matrix 4 is easily the 2nd best of the series. Doesn’t hold a candle to the first, but this one was OK. First half had me feeling like I was tripping balls and I really enjoyed that. 2nd half didn’t deliver but wasnt objectively bad either.

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I just watched Love Actually for the first time.

Am I being fucking trolled? Unbearably twee, unfunny, saccharine turd of a movie. Excruciating to sit through.


Followed it up with The Piano, also never seen before. Very good movie.


You’ll like this review. A classic:

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I watched it and it was definitely a chore

I’m surprised for all of the hate about the movie. It’s nothing more than a Christmas rom-com on steroids with an all-star cast performing mini vignettes that barely intersect.

I don’t think it’s any worse than any of the other bloated, all-star rom-coms centered around Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, etc.

I mean, that’s a pretty succinct summary of my criticism of the film. But then the vignettes all are actively weird and terrible, except for the Liam Neeson/Jojen vignette, which is just a little weird. There are three different storylines where a man proclaims his love for a woman without speaking or barely speaking to a woman. Grimes with the horrifying cue card scene, the author guy who literally doesn’t speak the same language as his housekeeper, and the prime minister and his secretary.

And then nobody reacts to any of these situations with any verisimilitude. Fake Padme reacts to Grimes as if he’s what he’s doing is sweet and tragic. Whereas in real life she’d be worried that she’s going to end up chained to Grimes’ radiator. So it’s a bunch of unconnected, unmotivated vignettes that don’t have any grounding in reality. A bad movie. So when people try to pass it off as a holiday classic, you get people like poor Chris V who watch it and are all what the hell why are my eyes bleeding. Bad!


Saw Creed 2

Like most Rocky universe films, it was super-predictable but still hit me in the feels

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Although I like Michael B. Jordon, I felt about Creed the same thing I felt after watching Rogue One.

“I’ve seen this already.”

Yeah, watching this is what prompted us to watch The Piano (rewatch for my gf, first time for me). The Power of the Dog was one of those films that I liked more in retrospect than when watching it. It definitely drags a bit. Cumberbatch is great in it though. Didn’t love it but it’s worth a watch.

My gf suggested we watch Love Actually which she last saw close to release, then also thought it sucked and was mystified about how she liked it the first time around. Got more to write about it but will wait til I’m not on phone.

Don’t look up is a fantastic watch about how WAAF society is.

Did you mean the force awakens? Rogue one was quite “new” in story.

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Love actually has the one scene with the series of pages which is great meme for parody.

The rest is unfiltered garbage, best I can tell checking with other Y chromosome carriers.


My wife, who isn’t super great at recognizing people or remembering names, is trying to think of a particular actor. These are the key characteristics:

  • supporting role, often a sidekick on the protagonist’s side, not a villain.
  • tall, very skinny, big curled hair (not frizzy)
  • distinctive voice
  • usually speaks quickly
  • olive skin

Help me out

Love Actually rules, and if I was a moderator I’d ban anyone who said differently.


Right, that’s what makes it all feel so twee and manipulative. The movie purports to show that “love” is everywhere but in most of the stories, what we actually get is this gross 13-year-old level reduction of love into superficial infatuation. Of course romantic comedy plots are not supposed to be realistic any more than action movies are supposed to be a realistic depiction of the amount of violence the human body can absorb, but generally in overcoming a crisis in their relationship, a deeper connection between the protagonists is supposed to be revealed.

In a standard romantic comedy plot the role of this kind of superficial infatuation would typically be the “red herring”, while the protagonist spends time with the real eventual love interest without the burden of expectation. It reminded me a bit of the ending of Starship Troopers where Rico ends up with Carmen, there’s an uneasiness to it because we can see that this supposed romantic “happy ending” is totally vapid, there’s no actual human connection underlying it. What we get in most of the vignettes is the setup and conclusion to a romantic story, gutted of all the intervening stuff that is supposed to happen. And in the stories where we do get a crisis between the characters (Alan Rickman/Emma Thompson, Karl and whatsherface in the office) the movie is like “oh well I guess if there’s ever any adversity this is all going to fall apart”. Heartwarming!

Two other things that made me feel like I was being trolled:

  • People repeatedly being like “well one thing we can all agree on is that Christmas is the time when we all tell the truth to each other”. Fucking what dude?

  • The bit where Emma Thompson is talking to the PM and Natalie and says “20 years ago you would have been just his type”. Huh? How old are they supposed to be? Hugh Grant was 42 during shooting of this movie. Martine McCutcheon was 27. How is that an unrealistically aged woman for a high-status man to be dating?

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Man or woman?

Age range?