Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Yeah just finished it. Watch at home.

#1 son says

Meh. Plug me back in and tell my brain I’m eating steak.

Got a surround sound back in the day just for the original.

After not seeing it in theaters, I refused to watch it until I had a DVD player. I finally had one on a work laptop and plugged it into my TV.

Watched Matrix 2 the other night with the family to prep for the new one. I’ve seen all three, they had only seen the first. I forgot how boring the first third or so is (basically through the rave). The rest is great.

I’m telling you guys The Animatrix needs to be a part of your Matrix rewatch schedule.

I’ve seen the OG Matrix many times. Part 2 once probably over a decade ago. Part 3 never. Do I need to see 2 or 3 to add to my experience with this new one? Or who gives a shit, just watch it and stfu?

Watching 2 and 3 will help understanding some parts of the new movie. Maybe watch those on fast forward just to get the main points if you’re in a hurry.

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Really enjoying The Fable on Netflix, an action-comedy in which the Japanese John Wick has to lie low and live as a normal person for a year during which he is strictly forbidden from killing anyone. Some great low-key comedic performances plus legitimately incredible action scenes. A much-needed break from holiday stress.

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Man, I thought they might do better than this. New guys just have so little gas compared to Weaving and Fishburne.

I havent seen the new movie or read the cast list but I heard the new Smith is the same guy that played King George in Hamilton. Is that right?

I blessedly know nothing about Hamilton but I just googled it and the answer is yes

It’s not even that Groff or Yahya were particularly bad, they just had no reason to replace some of the OG cast while bringing back others. Might as well have just full on committed to the nostalgia / member-berries route instead of trying to be all meta.

Unfounded Matrix hate ITT. The only bad parts were the meta commentaries. And yes watch 1-3 first otherwise you’ll have no idea what’s going on.

Matrix 1 is fucking awesome and should have been left alone, unless they had a clear plan. But obvious they didn’t. Reloaded eh whatever I rated it 5/10 on IMDb. Yeah highway sequence was awesome.

Revolutions I dropped a 1/10 and I don’t do that lightly. What the fucking hell was that?

Yet I’ll watch Matrix 4 here in a day or two.


I just don’t get how Weaving can be in Mortal Engines three years ago but they can’t get him for this.

The Meta parts were the only redeeming bits but I kinda expect someone still rocking Liz 2020 to be as professionally wrong as possible

Yeah it starts so well with a classic Matrix style gunfight immediately at the beginning, but then it takes a long time to takeoff again. Agree that the rest is great, the multiple Smith scene is clearly dated by today’s cgi standards but it still has very cool moves. I watched the movie for the first time this week and was pleasantly surprised given its bad reputation (clearly undeserved).

Sadly I followed up with the 3rd one which is just a mess. Maybe if they’d only kept the Neo parts, like the dragonball style endfight vs Smith might be good, but since it comes after 1+hr of Zion boredom I hated the movie too much by that point. This more or less killed any enthusiasm I might have had to watch the new one lol.

Malignant is a lot of fun.

Horror(ish) that starts as haunted house then switches gears a few times being basically an action movie by the end. Fairly predictable plot wise (you’ll probably figure out the reveal long long before the characters do), but knows when to go all-in on the craziness. I love the idea and design for the “monster”, really memorable stuff, the film also has a pretty cool general visual style with lots of color. Could be “so bad is good” but I think it’s just good ? I wish more movies were like this, highly recommend.

I managed to catch a theater showing and I liked it, although maybe not as much as I’d hoped (most of the film takes place during a production of Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, it’s not a prerequisite but it might help to have at least some idea of what goes on in that play, which I didn’t).

Re: the previous “theater” discussion, being forced to be in the dark with no distractions for 3 hours really helped with this one (although the screen was barely bigger than the one I have at home and I’m never going to that theater again lol).

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I finished 2 last night and found myself asking more than once why the agents didn’t pull out their guns sooner/right at the beginning of the fights. Especially that silly scene in the hallway with Too Many Smiffs