Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Still not my couch tho

As much as people can suck, joy is contagious in humans. Attending a big sporting event and celebrating with people youā€™ve never met before is a huge rush. I think fan-service-y movies can be like that, too. The Star Wars prequels had all manner of issues, but still the reaction of the crowd to Yoda first drawing a lightsaber was a powerful feeling that you just donā€™t get alone on your couch. Or even just hearing the music intermingled with cheers when STAR WARS first appeared on the screen before anyone knew the first prequel sucked. Similar story for Avengers Endgame, the final battle wasnā€™t great because of any particular CGI combat sequence but because of how it made fans feel. With covid, the risk assessment changes dramatically, but at least in the Before Times, participating in the joy of the crowd was easily worth going to the theater.

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Iā€™m watching amazing spiderman for the first time and wow the fashion from just 10 years ago is freaking wild. Sagging jeans and 4+ inches of boxers on whiter-than-the-driven-snow garfield! Basketball shorts below the knees! The tiniest of miniskirts + thigh highs on stone in her office setting! the fuck!

lmao how did they make an AAA hollywood movie in 2012 with zero Black people in the top 20 people casted?

As an aging Gen-Xer, I still like going out to theaters and Iā€™ll go back when itā€™s safe to do so. I donā€™t even care about the energy of the crowd so much, itā€™s the ritual aspect of plus Iā€™m old and set in my ways. Plus it cuts out the distractions and the urge to check my phone that are a part of modern life. I have no idea how theaters are going to get the under thirty crowd into theaters anymore not that streaming premiers are a thing.

I had a thread in The Lounge a long time ago about greatest theater experiences. Think my favorite was seeing a remastered 2001; my all-time favorite sci-fi movie, it really is a different experience on a big screen. Also when I was a college student I got to see Nosferatu in a refurbished old-timey theater with a live dude providing organ accompaniment, absolutely amazing.

Iā€™m really glad I saw Dune in IMAX.

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Looks like the GOJO deal fell through for Mattson

Itā€™s weird. Like I should like this movie. Itā€™s got all the people I like, but it feels off to me. I guess itā€™s the catching the spear and throwing it back part that jumps the shark. It feels a bit too green screened around the edges for me

Matrix Resurrections is predictably bad. But at least thereā€™s some meta commentary about Warner Bros wanting to further monetize the IP with or without the Wachowskis.

Rewatched the first 3 over the last few days. 1 has no business being as good as it is. Can end your viewing there imo


Damn Ninja edited that while I was mid read

Watch 1 and then watch The Animatrix, imo.

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Sorry, I wasnā€™t sure the spoiler tags worked in my post and didnā€™t want to spoiler for others.

Letā€™s try again:

Nopeā€¦ Not sure what Iā€™m doing wrong.

I still like reloaded, but wouldnā€™t call it great. People go nuts over the John Wick movies and I think itā€™s better than any of those.

It doesnā€™t hold up well. 1 looks amazing. 2 looks cartoony / cgi heavy. Freeway set piece has cool practical effects at least.

4 (and 5,6 + eventual streaming series) just prove that all major studios will wring every drop of cash possible from any IP that hasnā€™t been fully exploited.

[spoiler] hidden text here [/spoiler]

Yeah the multiple Smiths fight looks not great these days but the car chase scene holds up as well as any action piece.

How does the unnecessary 15 minute rave scene in the middle of Matrix Reloaded hold up?

The only thing from 2 and 3 that is indispensable is Monica Belluci in skin-tight latex

So without reading your spoiler, I can feel good about watching it on HBO Max instead of trying to go see it?

I want to def go see Licorice Pizza and Red Rocket, and thought about the matrix, but wasnā€™t sure. Will be easy to see the others in small crowds during the day so also.

I thought the visuals were surprisingly bad for a franchise that pioneered some incredible effects.

Thereā€™s no way Iā€™d recommend a 2.5 hour theatre excursion.