Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

The more it’s explained the more it’s clear it isn’t my thing. Hell I’m the guy who thinks Star Wars is awful too!

I’ll leave it to those who love it.


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Yeah if you don’t love space sci fi this was probably a waste of 3 hours for you.


Rome: Open City is an interesting cultural artifact. A movie about the Italian resistance during WWII that started filming just months after the occupation was over, with a cast of mostly non-professional actors. For all that, production values seem fine for an old-timey spy drama.

For any MST3k fans out there, Frank Conniff and Trace Beaulieu are doing a livestream riff of Manos: The Hands of Fate on Tuesday, with a guest interview with one of the original Manos cast members. This woman has written a memoir of her experiences that’s been on my to-read list for a while.


Drive My Car is coming to Netflix on the 15th, I’m kind of hyped for it although I am rather concerned by the three-hour runtime.

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watched the alpinist. it’s fucking crazy. i recommend it but the first half you are just in cold sweats from what he does, and then waiting for the inevitable in the second act.


I’m looking forward to this one as well, I saw the director’s last two movies and liked them a lot.

However in France streaming services cannot show movies until 3 years after theatrical release so it won’t be on Netflix here anytime soon :cry: (Rules are different for different vod types so I still have some hope to see it before too long…)



Oh and in case you haven’t already figured it out from the weird ass ads, the “Anderson” we are looking for in Licorice Pizza is Paul Thomas, not Wes.

(I was certain it was gonna be Wes.)

Sometimes Adam Sandler works in good movies. Punch Drunk Love is a terrific film. So is Uncut Gems.

And he’s a good actor.

A Marvel movie we were looking for

Holy fuck it’s Jonathan Ke Quan.



While I was watching the first part, I was like, there’s no way this guy is still alive. So I googled it and was like, damn.

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I actually met him a couple times. Great doc. Insane story. These guys live life on the razors edge.


Just like us actuaries. It’s a non stop thrill ride.


Spider-Man: No Way Home

It’s fucking fantastic. You need to have seen all of the Spider-Man movies to understand everything.

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Probably the best ever movie that requires you to have seen 30 other movies (I guess really “only” 18 or so)

I’m really getting into classic Italian films lately. Bicycle Thieves was for me a really moving portrait of working-class poverty, bureaucracy, and human dignity.

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I think there are two different movies here. Never heard of the 2020 Bike Thief movie, but the trailer looks like this was inspired by the 1948 film, also it looks like more of an action thriller than the film I saw.

By today’s standards, Bicycle Thieves feels positively subversive. There’s a positive portrayal of a Communist meeting, it’s clear that the police are going to do nothing to help this guy find his stolen bike. We like to think of the post-war era as a boom time for the working class, but also it was still very shitty for them.