Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I finally got around to Saints of Newark. I literally finished the Sopranos for the first time like six months ago, so this was pretty good timing as far as an addition to the Sopranos universe for me.

It was ok? If I’m judging it as a stand-alone movie where the Sopranos series never existed it’s a D. If I’m judging it as it truly exists in the Sopranos universe I can go as high as C+? I mean, yeah, there’s not much there plot-wise but it’s worth a watch if you’re a fan of the series.

Standout performance from Vera Farmiga who absolutely nails Livia Soprano. The dude who plays Sil I thought did a pretty good job as well.

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I just watched Halloween (1978) for the first time. it sucked




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Oddly enough, I watched Halloween for the first time ever only about two years ago. I thought it was a lot of fun? Sound design great, Yung Jamie Lee Curtis great, Ernst Stavro Blofeld great. It wasn’t really frightening or disturbing in the way a true A+ horror movie is, but it’s a blast to just kick back and have some popcorn with.

I’ve actually never seen any of the other iconic slasher movies like Freddie or Jason or whatnot. I think I was way too young when they first came on the scene and I’ve never been inclined to seek them out.

On the topic of great horror movie recs, can I suggest Nosferatu? Nearly 100 years old and one of the most unsettling movies I’ve ever seen. Honestly one of my favorite movies ever, weirds me out every time.


I saw “Shadow Of The Vampire” in the theater and had no idea what it was. I thought maybe it was some kind of remake of “Nosferatu.”

Made it that much better. I put it up there with Charlie Kaufman’s best screenplays.

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I liked Friday the 13th original, I only watched it a couple years ago for the first time

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I’m really curious to see what you think of “Carrie.”

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Wow really ? I only saw it once 15 years ago but it’s a top 10 movie watching experience for me. The use of space in that movie is so damn good (the final shots…).

But you’re not the first one to say this and I’m now scared to be disappointed if I ever rewatch it (mouth of madness is another carpenter film I loved in my 20s but was underwhelming on rewatch).

speaking of Carpenter, the guy gives the best down-to-earth interviews lol

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Red Letter Media are doing a best of John Carpenter series right now


Taking the heat off the “Sil was good in Many Saints” take.


The original Nightmare on Elm Street is good.


Romero’s original Night of the Living Dead series used to be an annual tradition around this time of year for me, may do it again this year

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I always thought Prince of Darkness was an underrated Carpenter title, scared the shit out of 15 yo me anyway


The OG Night of the Living Dead is so damn good. I remember it being the first movie that genuinely scared me. I was a teenager and I guess my parents were gone for the night or a weekend or something. I was looking for something to watch and I found the VHS tape in my parents’ room (no, I wasn’t looking for OTHER types of movies). I had no idea what it was all about and it scared the bejeezus out of me.

Showed it to dlk9s jr last year. He loved it. He’s big into horror, though I haven’t let him go balls to the wall with it all just yet (probably about to). His favorite movies are Us and Get Out. I mean, now that we’re watching Squid Game, I think can probably take off the reins.

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I always watch my favorite schlocky movie around Halloween, Tales from the Crypt presents Demon Knight. Easily the best thing Billy Zane has ever done


I watched the OG Halloween for the first time and thought it was ok. Definitely not enough to make me want to watch the others in the series. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a complete Friday the 13th movie.

Nightmare on Elm Street stands out in my memory as pretty great, although I’ve only seen it once. I think it was a sleepover I head in 6th grade. We rented Nightmare on Elm Street and Revenge of the Nerds. Pretty permissive parenting iyam.

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Worth checking out if you’re into that sort of thing

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Another Romero classic. Don’t bother with the 2019 version imo

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