Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

The first two Friday the 13th films are classics imo. I watched both when I was wayyyyy too young and was scarred for years. All the rest after 2 are eminently skippable.

I feel like I should finally dive in to the It movies.

Also, Iā€™m not sure any horror movie can match Nightmare on Elm Street 3ā€™s Dream Warriors for best horror movie song.


Also if I am not mistaken, Creepshow was the film that started the trend of Stephen King making cameos in movies based on his works. I donā€™t think he was in Carrie and he wasnā€™t involved in Shining at all (and hated it at the time).

Are you referring to the Dokken song? Pretty good, but I would go with Alice Cooper from F13 VI: Jason Lives

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I saw this one recently and while itā€™s uneven, it does have some great bits. The last 15 minutes in particular are top tier Carpenter.

The main character is a sexist asshole though (picking up his follow grad student by telling her sheā€™s too sexy to do science) which is a bit of a turn-off.

Another underrated one of his is ā€œbig trouble in little chinaā€. Itā€™s an adventure film with Kurt Russell (not horror). I donā€™t know how to describe it to make it justice but itā€™s very fun. Carpenter has such a likable way of making movies.

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Anyone seen No Time to Die yet? Early returns are promising. Spectre was such a giant letdown

Enjoyed it quite a bit.

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You kids may not remember/believe this but Jameson Parker passed for a sex symbol in the late 70s-mid 80s lol

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that was a fun watch (and made me realize thereā€™s a few good ones I still havenā€™t seen), thanks for the heads-up.

and i guess i was wrong when i said big trouble in little china was underrated :smiley:

(they also quickly mention that Carpenter made a TV movie Elvis biopic with Kurt Russell ? thatā€™s a fun fact lol)

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With these old silent movies Iā€™ve found that the quality of the copy (and the choice of music score) makes a huge difference. I saw Nosferatu years ago but the quality was so bad that it was impossible to understand why people ever found it scary and not laughable. I guess I need to rewatch !

I just watched ā€œcabinet of dr caligariā€ from the same period that you might enjoy. Itā€™s not quite scary but the sets are very good looking. As a former Tim Burton fan itā€™s also funny to see where he got all his design ideas from.

Another good ā€œhorrorā€ silent film is ā€œVampyrā€. It has a very special dream-like quality and some nice visual effects for the time.


This looks fucking terrible. Another DC movie where we cant see 90% of whats happening. Exactly what ive always wanted

I dunno, looks like fun to me. Batman is supposed to be dark and angry, except for the OG 1960ā€™s Batman.

The new DC animated movie is one of their best too. Based on the Injustice comics/games. Joker kills a pregnant Lois Lane causing Superman to go berserk.

DCā€™s TV shows and games have been knocking it out of the park. idk why they canā€™t get their act together and make a decent movie (aside from the Nolan Batman trilogy).

I havenā€™t watched much of the TV shows, but they seem to get the vibe right in the way the Snyder movies, Green Lantern etc just did not.

I think Snyder just seemed to dislike his characters, or put an his lovely ayn rand philosophy onto them.

The DC shows lean into all the silliness and camp of the source material; they used to be my #1 guilty pleasure before I discovered Mexican telenovelas. You canā€™t do a grimdark Flash or Supergirl with a muted color palate. It works for Batman, but it doesnā€™t work for most other DC characters.

I think execs saw that the Nolan movies were hits and asked for more like that with the rest of their IP, ignoring all the things people love about the source material.

I think a sports analogy works better here. I think they just hitched onto Snyder because he impressed the execs or whoever he needed to. A bad coach or general manager gets hired all the time by less competent organizations.

I think the better superhero movies largely have better directors. Thereā€™s a reason Nolan, Waititi and others are beloved. I think a really good director usually makes at least a pretty good movie. Not much more complicated than that.

Just saw the trailers for the new DC videogames; they look like a blast? idk how DC manages to make a Suicide Squad that Iā€™m totally hyped for but also makes a SS movie that looks completely unwatchable, even with Margot Robbie thrown in.

Getting back to slasher movies, I just saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the first time, was much better than I expected it would be. This movie has a deserved reputation for over-the-top gore and violence, but really its power to shock me was totally derived from the cinematography and direction. Itā€™s a dumb exploitative slasher flick, but for all that itā€™s very competently made.


Got IMAX 2D tickets for Thursday night for Dune.


Dune delivers. Absolute massive scale equal to the book.