Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

2 is still pretty good from what I remember. 3 not so much.

3 was terrible and I didnā€™t care much for 2 either. After that I am as hyped for another Matrix movie as I was for another Star Wars movie after the prequel trilogy.
The Wachowski siblings record has become spotty. V for Vendetta is great, Speed Racer is crap, Cloud Atlas was alright. Havenā€™t seen Jupiter Ascending but supposedly is just another vacuous big budget mess.

Matrix 2 is good as a mindless action movie. The big fights were really good for early 2000s and the highway scene holds up while the 1 v 100 fight is not as great now

Uh, just another? Man, I think thatā€™s a massive understatement. Jupiter Ascending was a really and truly special kind of vacuous mess. Hooooo boy was that a stinker.

Didnā€™t realize they did Cloud Atlas. I remember hearing it was shitty, but I watched it one day on HBO or something and thought it was pretty interesting. Might not have met its full potential, but it was a valiant, creative big swing.

I really liked the book. Good summer beach read.

Netflix is ending the year with some huge projects

I remember Red Notice filming in Atlanta. Took forever because of COVID - they did some reshoots not all that long ago.

Not optimistic, but Keanuā€™s career arc has been so wild that itā€™s possible he could single-handedly redeem the franchise.

No Laurence Fishburne in the new movie? I know heā€™s getting too old and chonky to do kung-fu, but it feels wrong not to have Morpheous in the movie.

Most of you have seen this already, but The Animatrix is by far the only legit offspring of The Matrix. Must-watch if you liked the first movie and have even a passing interest in anime.

Eh, after what they relegated him to in the third movie, Larry probably is better off not coming back

NPH as some kind of agent kinda gave me the tingles

I think the more interesting absence is Hugo Weaving. Smith is such an iconic villain, and I get why him coming back after the third movie is non-sensical, but it still seems like a big loss.

Yeah that sucks too. The supporting actors were such a huge part of why the first movie worked. Can you imagine it without Morpheus and Mr. Smith?

Iā€™m just going to sit back and enjoy the movie. Probably helps my movie enjoyment that I have kids, since they arenā€™t generally critical and just have fun. The Star Wars prequels felt much better when I watched them with my children, since they were just having a blast watching Star Wars and actually liked Jar-Jar Binks.

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It feels like, theyā€™re just remaking the first one and hoping to print money? Like, maybe itā€™ll be good (like Trolly said, itā€™d pretty much have to be Keanu carrying the whole damn thing this time), but I donā€™t think I can expect any kind of coherent story arc between this one and the first three.

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Seems like they are going to try to attempt to explain how Tom is back in the Matrix and then ramp up the effects by 1000

Also, explain how heā€™s alive. I guess theyā€™ll go with the machines having the technology to resurrect him and Trinity, and they plugged them back in, perhaps as a requirement of resurrecting them. Maybe they also reneged on the truce at the end of Revolution and plugged in everyone else? So Neo has to wake up and save everyone, just as the original One freed the first people from the Matrix like Morpheus described to Neo. And in doing so, itā€™ll be basically a retelling of the first movie, kung fu scene and all. Easy money.

+1 to Animatrix

Really well done and everybody who likes the Matrix should watch it even if they normally wouldnā€™t watch anime.

The color coding feels a bit too obvious? Big blue glasses, a blue butterfly in the backgroundā€¦