Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Fuck another Matrix movie, we need a Johnny Mnemonic sequel. Get Keanu, Ice T, Henry Rollins, Beat Takeihsi, and Dolph Lundgren all back together again, that would slap so hard.

<3 Johnny Mnemonic. Can we do Constantine 2 Electric Boogaloo while we’re at it?

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Johnny M had some of the most batshit casting of all time. Henry Rollins at his most ripped is playing some science dork in nerd glasses and a labcoat. IIRC, Beat Takeishi was a huge deal in Japan but he wanted to break into Hollywood so he got suckered into being in the film.

Also the Wikipedia Plot intro sounds like this movie was, uh, more science than fiction.

I’d like to watch Animaniactrix


The problem with a matrix sequel is we’re all so broken by capitalisms onslaught that I for one am ready for the matrix. Jack me in guys I’ll make power for you. Can’t be much worse than this. They should do a follow up on that bald guy who jacked back in for a steak and the balla life he’s leading inside the machine. Algorithms already run my life I might as well get something out of it


Joey Pants? Wasnt he killed by Tank?

Oh yeah, I forgot that. He was totally right though in retrospect.

The cool thing about a Johnny Mnemonic sequel is that no one remembers what happened in the first one, so you don’t have to worry about continuity errors. Did Beat Takeishi die in the first one? Doesn’t matter! No one will mind that he’s back in the sequel!

Broke down and paid $20 for Green Knight. Beautiful to chill out with for a while but also seemed very overwrought and full of itself. There’s a heavy reliance on digital color filtering that felt very gimmicky to me after an hour or so.


When I first read this I thought you had misposted something about a strain of marijuana.


The Many Saints of Newark premieres October 1. More importantly, it’s going to be released on HBO Max as well as theaters. I am hyped and refuse to entertain any negative reviews.


One person whose opinion I trust claims he saw a bootleg and it’s great and will win statues but :man_shrugging:

I’m definitely hyped

Signal boosting this in case anyone is a fan of classic monster movies. Maybe send a kind word to a cinematic legend:

Not sure if/when it will get a wide release, but I just saw a small screening of a film called At The Ready that I think most folks here would be interested in. It’s a documentary filmed in 2018 and 2019 about a high school in El Paso and the members of its criminal justice club. It’s an extracurricular for students who want careers in the police/DEA/INS, etc. Most of the students and teachers are Latino/Latina/Latinx and you get to see a lot of discussion/debate/evolution as the kids wrestle with what those jobs really mean and how they both positively and negatively impact their community.

Highly recommend if you can track it down.

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This looks fucking amazing (my home is a PTA home)

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Once again I enjoy a “small” MCU movie (10 rings) way more than a big avengers thing.

Not sure that 10 Rings is a small MCU movie, I would assume it’s more like the first of a new large scale saga.

Small as in number of superheroes. Black widow, Thor, Spider-Man, antman are “small”, civil war, ulton, thanos are “big”.

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