Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

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Never Back Down

Beyond the Black Rainbow, and turn up the sound. Also Mandy.

Trolly’s suggestions are good (fury road cannot be topped), I’d also add


as great recent movies that should look good on a nice screen.

Re:imdb ratings I’ve found letterboxd ratings to be typically more reliable but of course this depends so much on individual preferences…
For instance if (like me) you enjoy dumb US comedies they will almost always have a 5 or 6 rating on imdb even for films of vastly different quality (to me) so in that case the imdb rating is completely worthless.

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Haha I thought I was the only person who liked this movie.

I’ve seen it like four times. Dominic has an entire thread about it in the 22 Lounge. Has anyone invited Dom over here?

Is this the same director who did “Mandy”?

Stop it.

No, Dom directed porno.


He’s probably trying to post on exiledpolitics right now.


Come on, its no fun talking movies wothout LKJ around


Yes but BtBR is very different from Mandy. More chill, more psychedelic.

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Okay yeah I’ve seen it I think. Is it a surrealist fever dream?

I seem to remember a lady being controlled by a Star Trek villain with a lot of symbolism and mysticism.

Kinda reminded me of Tarkovsky films.

When I break sobriety I’m gonna watch it a couple times.

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Akira (personally would recommend watching the og version if you can find it)


The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (American version)




Fantastic Fungi on Netflix was pretty cool. Watched it the other day and thought it would be even better super high and on a great TV.

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I was curious to see if I could find some great ones which follow this criterion… between 6 and 7 is very easy (many legit masterpieces are there), but below 6 is a bit more tricky.

Here are a few movies which I’ve loved :

Speed racer (6.0)
Southland tales (5.4)
Lady in the water (5.5)
Kaboom (5.7)
Resident Evil : retribution (5.4)

Except for ST, I’ve only seen them once 10+ years ago so I might change my mind on rewatch…They all have some sort of a following and have been praised by many (dozens!) people.

Another one which is not in the same league is Unfriended (5.5), which is not a great film but has a fun set-up (takes place on a laptop screen) and was fun to watch during lockdown.

There are also the digital Michael Mann movies which are revered by some people : Blackhat (5.4), Miami Vice (6.0). I’m not in love with them but they are worth watching.

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For old times sake I watched Vanguard last night, a recent Jackie Chan / Stanley Tong effort (the team that brought us Police Story 3 and Rumble in the Bronx among others). The first action scene was a shootout / fight in a restaurant and gave me hope, but after that it was terrible. They CGI-ed everything so every stunt or action sequence looked like an out of date video game.

Supposedly Jackie nearly died doing a jet ski stunt but the final result looked so unrealistic I presumed it was all green screen until they showed the usual behind the scenes stuff over the credits. The plot was also somehow barely there but at the same time pointlessly convoluted. Very disappointing.

Thanks! I went down a fungi rabbit whole the other night. All of a sudden I looked up and realized I had been watching videos about mushrooms for 3 hours.

Pretty sure you were already on mushrooms, Alice.

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