Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Singing in the rain is really a perfect movie (great cast, catchy tunes, cool story with the bonus of being a film about movies).

I keep wanting to watch more musicals from that era hoping to see some as good. I’ve only seen “on the town” which was pretty good but not comparable, and “brigadoon” which was pretty bad (actually remarkable as being the #1 most nonsensical plot I’ve ever seen).

La la land i was hoping to enjoy but I found the songs boring so I’m firmly in the “it sucks” camp.

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I just spent the last week watching La flor (mariano llinas 2018).

This is a 13 hour long Argentinian “film”, shot over 10 years, which consists of 6 different independent stories, each set in a different genre (e.g. horror, melodrama, spy stories,…), which share the same 4 lead actresses.

Not all of it works but the parts that do work very well. A very enjoyable way of telling stories and the film is filled with great cinema moments (although on the slower end and very low budget, so that action scenes are left to the viewer’s imagination).

(If you try to watch this: the 1st segment was one of my least favorites so don’t give up after that one! 2nd one was my favourite so if it doesn’t do anything for you I’d give up).

It’s the stone nuts of musicals. Nothing else is close so you can stop looking. :grin:


Just wait until Marvel makes a superhero musical.

The best musical of all time is:


2 and a half hours for a zombie movie. Come on Zack Snider. Ok I’ll still watch it.

Also Bautista is such an oddly shaped dude. He looks like a guy that always skips leg day

Looks great, but god, zombie stuff is so overplayed.

Get ready for Marvel Zombies for maximum tired content exposure.

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I never get fast zombies. Decaying bodies but giving Usain bolt a run.

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Yes, the speed is the unrealistic part of zombies.


The zombies have juke moves like they know they’re supposed to be dodging firearms?

Sean Spicer cameo… can we just not do this, people?

Blatantly ripping off a scene fromThe Last of Us but to be fair all zombie movies are basically just cribbing from the OG zombie movie.

Half hour in and no Tig Notaro, that’s a bad sign. Butista wearing glasses is great, though.

So far I like it but can we please not put actual Nazis in movies for laughs?


Zach Snyder is the living embodiment of what’s wrong with Hollywood. He takes that crown from Michael Bay.


Zombies meets Ocean’s 11 was meh. I don’t get why Zack Snyder is a thing people talk about. He competently delivers obvious and derivative movies that nobody will remember in 20 years. I don’t really understand how he has fans or haters.


Didn’t he go the Watchmen remake? Frick him if so.

Only time I’ve actually booed a film in a theater.

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That’s probably his best film.

Zikzak is right, which makes it even more bizarre Snyder has a cult following.

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My beef with Snyder is that he can’t seem to make a procedural action movie that clocks in under 2 hours. Who asked for that? Also he hires Nazis and that’s not great.

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His best film is a remake where he removes one of the greatest endings to a story of all time since the bean counters determined his audience would be too stupid to understand?

Thanks for making my point.

ETA: remake is not the best description but as a graphic novel you understand what I’m saying

I feel like the last Snyder zombie thing was okay? I’m a tough critic of zombie stuff even though I keep watching bad zombie movies for some reason.

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It was exactly ok. That’s kind of my point. I can’t even get mad at it for being terrible. It just sort of sat there and did a mediocre job of being precisely what I expected.

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Which is why I think he’s perfectly fine for an original movie like this we can forget about in a week, but you shouldn’t trust him with characters people have strong emotional ties with or you end up with a reaction like funcrusher